518 Tasting Notes

drank Citrus Chamomile by Red Leaf Tea
518 tasting notes

I quite like this one. It’s a nice, light, bright, relaxing tea. I’ve been enjoying this one before bed the last few nights. Tonight I had it a little earlier, and I’m thinking about having another mug of this.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 15 OZ / 443 ML

Your review of this was what prompted me to purchase it ;)


Glad to hear it! Let me know what you think of it when you get it. I find that Red Leaf Tea is very quick on their deliveries.

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Another tea from carol who

This tea is an earl grey lavender tea. It’s very strong on bergamot and lavender. I will admit it took me a few sips to get into this one. I think I wasn’t expecting those flavors to be quite so strong. Once I got into it, I was into it. I definitely enjoyed this one. I probably could have used another caffeinated tea at this point, though.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec 3 tsp 14 OZ / 414 ML

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drank Seven Green Treasures by Tea Desire
518 tasting notes

I got this one from carol who in a mini swap. I was hoping this one would be better, but it tastes fairly weak to me. I could find no steeping directions. I tried it at 1:30, which is normally about what I would steep a green for, and there was almost no anything to it, so I added another minute. That helped some, but I still don’t get a lot of flavor from it. It’s a little sweet from the fruit in it, but that’s about it. Oh well. Maybe if I had more leaf that would have helped. It was worth the try, though.

I wrote the original part as I was part way through the cup. As it cooled, I found this got better. Still not amazing, but better. I bet this would be good iced as the flavors seem to come out better in the cooler temps. If I see this again in any of the tea boxes I’m involved in, I will definitely grab it and try it that way.

175 °F / 79 °C 2 min, 30 sec 2 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML
carol who

Now I feel bad… that’s two of the teas that I sent that you didn’t like much :( I hadn’t tried this one, I had gotten it in a swap. Maybe the next one will be better. :)


Don’t feel bad, Carol! I wrote this when I was about half way through the cup. I was just coming back to edit it, actually. It got better as it cooled, surprisingly. I bet this would be good iced.

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This is one of the teas I ordered from Yunomi that showed up on Friday. I’m just now getting a chance to try it. I woke up with a sinus headache after having one most of the day yesterday (not fun at a high school robotics competition, let me tell you.) So I figured a nice mug of tea would be nice.

I picked this one and started reading the steeping instructions. They’re for 2g of tea in a 1/3 of a cup. I probably could have broken out my gaiwan and used that, but I really wanted a nice mug. So I used about 5g and put it in the basket of my ForLife mug. There aren’t a lot of flowers in the 10g size, either, maybe about 8 or 9, so I put 4 of them in this portion and left the rest in the other half. 190° was the recommendation, which seemed a little hot for me, but it seems to have worked out well. I might try the other half at about 180° just to see if it makes a difference. There was also a lot of dust in the pouch, but probably because it is such a small amount and traveled half way around the world.

It’s a nice, green, grassy sencha, quite clear once I let the dust settle. It’s maybe a touch floral, but not much. When I ordered it, I wanted more floral, but now that I’m tasting it and that’s not what it is, I’m actually quite okay with that. It’s got a really nice flavor.

I don’t think it’s helping my head any. I’ve got way too much to do today. After robots taking most of my time since Wednesday night, and new furniture coming tomorrow, we’re so behind. I have to go buy a sheet set because the company I ordered custom sheets from screwed up and the fixed sheet hasn’t gotten through customs yet. ( I should have opened that sooner, but I didn’t want the cats getting into it.) I have a lot of vacuuming to do, as well as moving the old furniture into the guest bedroom. We were supposed to have my BIL here to help, but his flight tonight was cancelled and the only one he could get on today is taking off soon. (Husband took him to the airport and should be back any minute now.)

My head still hurts, but this tea is good. I’m looking forward to seeing how the leaves resteep.

190 °F / 87 °C 1 min, 0 sec 5 g 15 OZ / 443 ML

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drank Immortalitea by Red Leaf Tea
518 tasting notes

I still haven’t had time to really sit and describe this tea, bit I did drink it a little more slowly this time. I love the herbal flavors in this tea. I’m glad I decided to add it to my stash.

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It’s nice having an old stand by to get me through the day. I think I’m on my fifth infusion of this one for today. I just need enough something – caffeine, comfort, something – to get me through the day. Another conference call, and then I’m off to robots for the weekend.

You should see how much the leaves have grown and expanded in my infusion basket. A small layer of pearls at the bottom of the basket now takes up the whole thing. That’s one of the reasons I enjoy pearls.

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This was a very nice treat for myself this morning. I even stopped on my way home last night to pick up milk so I could make an iced latte with it.

Delicious. Adult chocolate. I could see making this sweeter, but I didn’t need it sweet, and that would not have fit my mood this morning.

I ordered this at a robust flavor level, and I’m glad I did. I really wanted to taste the chocolate, and it’s chocolate. Not overwhelming out of this world chocolate, but it’s chocolate. Like I said, it was adult chocolate.

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drank Immortalitea by Red Leaf Tea
518 tasting notes

I had this tea driving to robotics tonight. I wish I’d sat down with a mug of it so I could really sit and think and evaluate it instead of concentrating on not hitting potholes. It’s got some interesting flavors and some nice flavors and some unique flavors. I will definitely have to have this one again to decide how I feel about it.

This tea did not come in a resealable bag, so I’m really glad I bought some tins at IKEA over the weekend. (Less than 15 minutes spent in IKEA on a Saturday, and we didn’t even know where in the store the tins would be. And we also got a little turned around in the maze. And that includes parking lot time, too. My husband says it’s like we hacked the Matrix or something.)

carol who

No kidding! It’s almost impossible to get in and out that fast! :)


I’m still not quite sure how we managed it. I did get some new tins for tea, that I am already using, so it was well worthwhile trip.

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drank SWEET SIN (ROOIBOS) by SereneTeaz
518 tasting notes

I got this one from carol who (THANKS!) and it smelled delicious. It was a beautiful color. I’m just not sure about it. I like all of the things in this tea, and yet…. it just doesn’t quite taste right. I’m not sure what’s off about it. It has a weird aftertaste. (Even my husband agreed on the aftertaste.) I’m really not sure if I did something wrong with it, or it’s just not a tea for me. I’ve got enough left for another cup, so I’ll try it again. I’m not giving it a rating until then.

carol who

That’s sort of what I thought. Great aroma, not much in the way of flavor. I’ve tried different brewing temps and times. I haven’t found the right combo yet. Let me know if you solve the mystery.

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I’m drinking this one again. Those other teas better show up soon so I have something different for my tasting notes. My Teavivre order was lost at the post office and when I contacted them, they’re reshipping it. My Yunomi order isn’t here yet. My Tea Company samples aren’t here yet. I keep ordering from Red Leaf Tea because I can get a new matcha delivered in a couple of days. (Seriously, I ordered on Sunday night after resisting the on sale Belgium chocolate all weekend, and it will be delivered today. Yay!)

I drank an iced matcha on my way to work – not the wisest choice with my allergies causing all kinds of throat irritation. When I got here, I immediately made myself a mug of this, and then joined my conference call. It ran over by a lot. 2 mugs of tea and a 16oz iced matcha. Yes, I needed the call to end because I was doing the dance in my desk chair.

This tea did calm my throat nicely, and I love how floral it is. It resteeps very nicely as well, so once I was finished in the ladies’ room, I immediately started on my second mugful.

And this tea is one that I find relaxing. I don’t know why. It definitely is helping me calmly deal with the stress of a major work issue that we identified this morning in our just release product. Oops.

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Still relatively new to drinking teas, or so I feel, even though I’ve been at it for several months now.

I’m drinking more and more of different varieties of tea.

It’s been a few months that I’ve been on here. I’ve expanded from greens and flavored teas to now I’m all about the oolongs and some unflavored blacks. I’m mostly drinking unflavored teas now, but there are a few of those flavored ones that have a special place in my heart.

Pu-erh is also something I’ve recently found that I enjoy.

I have four kitties and a spouse.


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