This tea is just heavenly. It is the perfect combination of chocolate and mint and it tastes exactly like After Eight thin mints but in tea form. The peppermint flavor in this tea comes from actual peppermint leaves, not peppermint extract, which gives it a herbacious character – like a herbal peppermint tisane. The black tea is actually kind of overpowered by the peppermint leaves, so it ends up tasting more like a herbal tea than a black tea to me. The peppermint flavor is slightly stronger than the chocolate flavor – I would probably say 60/40. I have found that a splash of milk in this tea brings out the chocolate aroma.
There is also a slight note of vanilla in this tea but it blends with the chocolate flavor which makes it hard to separate from the chocolate.
There is absolutely no bitterness or astringency in this tea.
If you like the combination of chocolate and mint, then this tea is a no-brainer!
Dry leaves appearance:
A mix of Chinese black tea leaves and peppermint leaves.
Dry leaves, aroma:
Peppermint and chocolate/vanilla.
Medium to dark brown with a noticeable green hue.
4 oz. loose tea tin.
Flavors: Chocolate, Herbaceous, Peppermint, Tea, Vanilla