Holy crap this tea really delivers. Smells of wonderful sweet chocolate, and then the flavor is in fact rich, creamy chocolate and toasted hazelnut! Tastes like a Rocher candy without the crunch. Actually, what it reminds me a lot of is those rectangular tins of International Coffee, you know, the sweet powdered “coffee” stuff I used to drink in the ‘80s as a kid thinking I was being all fancy and grown up. That rich, and that guilty pleasure (so sweet, so creamy!) satisfying. Love how much hazelnut’s in this. Woah.
A tea that doesn’t ask much of you (you don’t have to set aside any concentration to enjoy this), that just offers sweet, straightforward pleasure. (I’m also getting the impression it’d be hard to make this tea taste bitter—it’s smooth, smooth, smooth and the tea element is very light, somehow without the whole thing tasting watery. Tastes, yeah, more like a sweet faux coffee or hot cocoa than tea.) I haven’t added milk yet because there’s not even a hint of bitterness and because it’s so creamy already, but I reckon it’d taste just dandy should you choose to do so.
And it resteeps well! Love. Kinda feel like a tea noob/poser for so loving a tea that, um, doesn’t taste like tea, but there it is. Yum.