I love mint chocolate but I haven’t found the perfect mint chocolate tea yet. Lately I’ve been adding mint teas to H&S Florence and enjoying the mix, but I would like to find one that doesn’t require the diy method. This one smelled promising in the bag – I can smell lots of mint and lots of chocolate. After brewing, the scent in the cup was not as appetizing, it smells more like dry, stale chocolate. No mint at all. Taking my first sip I was surprised to find it tasted minty, and not very chocolatey at all. What a paradox. If I closed my nose, this could easily be an oversteeped herbal peppermint tea. Minty, slightly bitter, with the peppermint lingering on my tongue after. There is a sort of deep undertone to it, but nothing that says chocolate.
I added a bit of brown sugar because the reviews mentioned a little sweetener helps bring out the chocolate flavor, and it totally changed the tea. Now the thick, heavy, sort of malty undertones are prominent, and I don’t taste the mint at all. I still get a bit of a tingle on my tongue after each sip, but it doesn’t taste minty. Or chocolatey.
I think I’m going to play around a little with steeping times and see if that helps. This tea has so much potential!