Whoa. Like, seriously whoa, man. Of all the creatively named blends I’ve encountered thus far, this is the most aptly named. People, this is marshmallow-spearmint tea, and the one thing I’d really like you to know is that you should consider giving it a try even if you don’t like minty teas. I’m not a fan of minty teas, and I am very much impressed by this blend.
The dry leaf and steeped tea fragrance is perfectly balanced. I can actually smell marshmallow, something that took me completely by surprise. I mean, mint is such a strong thing, y’know? In my experience it’s really good at overpowering everything else. And marshmallow isn’t exactly a strong thing at all. It’s a soft squishy cute unassuming subtle thing. Here, though, it does a great job of standing next to the mint and saying oi, hullo, I’m here!
This balance carries over fabulously into the flavour, and it is here that the blend’s name does such a fantastic job of putting you in the right frame of mind for this tea. The spearmint is like a smooth track down your gullet, paving a path of coolness down the esophagus and into the tummy. On this path glides the nebulous marshmallow cloud, exactly like the tendrils of mist might reach for new ground in a cemetery.
I feel like this would be quite good iced, but as it cooled, there was the slightest, slightest hint of bitterness, so I’m not sure how to cold-brew this properly (actually, I’m not sure how to cold-brew anything properly, yet—I have to look it up). Or maybe that bitterness only appears as the brew goes from hot to cold, and not if it’s cold-brewed to begin with?
Tea amount: 1 tsp/~4.75g
Water amount: 6oz/~175mL
Additives: About ¾ tsp Demerara sugar
I loooove this one!
It seems that this one is very popular! I’m so glad that I was able to try it!