Thanks for this one in your sale, Ost! I’m happy I’m able to try it because it doesn’t look like it’s available anymore. I’m a little sad about that. I think I can guess why. The long, dark, wiry leaves have a much different flavor than Teavivre’s much beloved other Tan Yang: the Superfine. Fans of the Superfine might have thought this one would be more like that one. While those leaves were mostly golden and tasted like sweet potato and honey, this one is very much like tangy plums. The light amber brew is just pure tangy plums and I love it. It is almost identical to the Yunnan Dian Hong Ancient Tree that Teavivre sells and I absolutely love. It’s a pity I didn’t know about the similarities sooner, as I would have stocked up on this one. Maybe Teavivre will sell this again some day. I will be waiting! (I asked Teavivre and they replied that they were waiting to find quality Tan Yang again, so there is hope this will be available again.)
Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug// 10 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 10 minutes after boiling // 3-4 minute steep
Hope we can find the same quality again.