1812 Tasting Notes
“…the pale yellow liquor contains some grassy flavors, which remind me of a pleasant green tea mixed with a sheng.”
“In my third cup, which resulted from another thirty-second steep, I note that the sheng flavors have come forward. Those green, aromatic, almost-pungent (in a good way) tones that so often fill sheng pu’erh have reared their heads and now lurk in the body and aftertaste. Steep number four (another thirty seconds) reveals those flavors to an even greater degree. The dark vegetation aroma is warm and soft, yet seems full of vigor. Much as I am also enjoying them, these cups are being consumed quickly.”
“…with this tea, I could see it becoming a regular in my cup. On my personal enjoyment scale, I would rate this tea a 95/100.”
Read the full review on Built from Ink and Tea, here: http://www.createwritedrink.com/2015/04/tea-review-tuesday-review-of-wymm-teas.html
“The body of the tea is strong and creamy, not overly bold and in-your-face, but maintaining strong, consistent flavors throughout. The slight fruity sweetness softens any edges, and there is little to no astringency of which to speak. In the center of the body of the tea lies a bit of smokiness, which pleasantly lingers on the tongue.”
Full review, here: http://www.createwritedrink.com/2015/03/tea-review-tuesday-review-of-verdant.html