So, I tried this one twice before logging it. The first time, I steeped it for 3 minutes, and the flavor was really weak, so I decided to do a longer steep because I couldn’t tell if it was me or the tea! It’s the tea.
I did a 4 minute steep, and although there is some nice flavor peaking out, it’s barely there. The smell of it puts me off a little because it reminds me of Della Terra’s love in a cup….not sure why that is. The taste is definitely not the same, but it’s a pretty weak vanilla taste. Even the black tea base isn’t very strong. And I can’t figure out, for the life of me, why there are sliced almonds in a vanilla tea (not sure I noticed their flavor though…seeing a pattern here?). I wonder if this one requires a really long steep? Probably won’t ever find out though, because I’m out of tea to experiment with, and I most likely won’t go out of my way for this one. I think I liked periwinkle more. I can see why some get obsessed over finding the perfect vanilla tea now…there are so many and none of them are the same!