So, I tried this one twice before logging it. The first time, I steeped it for 3 minutes, and the flavor was really weak, so I decided to do a longer steep because I couldn’t tell if it was me or the tea! It’s the tea.
I did a 4 minute steep, and although there is some nice flavor peaking out, it’s barely there. The smell of it puts me off a little because it reminds me of Della Terra’s love in a cup….not sure why that is. The taste is definitely not the same, but it’s a pretty weak vanilla taste. Even the black tea base isn’t very strong. And I can’t figure out, for the life of me, why there are sliced almonds in a vanilla tea (not sure I noticed their flavor though…seeing a pattern here?). I wonder if this one requires a really long steep? Probably won’t ever find out though, because I’m out of tea to experiment with, and I most likely won’t go out of my way for this one. I think I liked periwinkle more. I can see why some get obsessed over finding the perfect vanilla tea now…there are so many and none of them are the same!
You’re just going to keep on trying teas that sound good to me, aren’t you?!
Kit you MUST order from them! Seriously – the reward points build up SO fast that you can place one fair order and as long as you review the teas on their site you get points (like verdant) and they build SO fast! I got three teas two 2 oz and 1 4.5 ounce for under 11.00 FREE SHIPPING – then I got another 2 ounce for 59 cents! The teas are really good – a few I was not too found of but most I have really enjoyed ! Give them a try! I really love White Guava, Mandarin Silk, and this one. I still have a lot more to try and they always send several free samples WHICH you also can review unlike Adagio where you can’t review and get points for samples!
Oh wow. Well I think you sent me one, if not more than one sample from them. I’ll check them out! You seem to be pretty impressed :)
Their teas are not the most complex creations on earth – I mean they can’t be compared to say Tevivre or Verdant but then I have only tried their flavored teas and not their straight.
Gah, another company with horrendous Canadian shipping. $24? Really
Seriously? Ugggggg well you know what you can do! :)
Definitely was thinking about it!! No more ordering until I’m back from holidays though. I’m already worried that things are going to arrive while I’m gone, and stay cooped up in their packages for two weeks… I think I have 3? things en route right now, Amanda’s nicely going to hang onto my stuff (when it all arrives) so that problem doesn’t arise…
Oh good we don’t want your babies out in the heat that long!
Azzrian – would you like to earn the points by referring me? Not sure what that entails, but you may as well get some $$ (since I’ll probably end up placing an order eventually).
I would love to but didn’t know they had a referral program! I will go check that out!
One of you can refer me too, I think I have to try them based on this points system!
Oops deleted that by mistake! Let Kat have it so she has a good start on her first order! :)
Thanks Azzrian! You won’t get points until my first order, but I will make one…! Eventually :D And probably send it to you :D
Works for me and I can send you more goodies when I forward the package your way! Amanda is welcome to have hers sent here too and I can get it to both of you via you right Kit? If she wants to do that anyway.
Amanda is luckily American! Indigobloom is my Ontario tea buddy :D
Ohhhh okay. I have the Durrs today.
White guava? Wow… The french vanilla also sounds lovely.
I think I like the white guava even more than this one – but apples to oranges of course one is white one is black BOTH are good.