This tea had a lovely balance between the sweet and the savoury. I didn’t get the strong peach notes until later steeps, but I did get a lot of fruity tones from it including, longan, prune, fig tones, mulberry and lemon. This was bonded to the savoury notes by butter caramel, which evolved into honey, cocoa, malt and cereal notes and a touch of salt. The savoury herbaceous notes I found were, lemon thyme, the flavour you breathe in when you crumble dried oregano, cilantro, cinnamon, and towards the end ginger and artichoke. I got nine steeps out of this tea . (1tsp, 170ml,95°C: rinse, 10, 15,20,25,35,45,60,120,180s), and it has been a pleasant companion today.
Thanks TastyBrew for the opportunity to expand my experience with Taiwanese blacks!
Dating myself here…but you know how random creatively phrased adjectives in a review just send you off into goofy land? Fig Tones. Anybody besides me remember the dancing, singing guy in the really bad fig costume in the Fig Newtons commercial circa (cough, cough, choke)…?
Dating myself here…but you know how random creatively phrased adjectives in a review just send you off into goofy land? Fig Tones. Anybody besides me remember the dancing, singing guy in the really bad fig costume in the Fig Newtons commercial circa (cough, cough, choke)…?
I might of… But then I’ve been told I was born out of my time and that I am ageless:). I was ‘21’ from a time before I was a teenager and than became ‘16’ again when I was 24, when I went back to University they all thought I was 13 years younger than I am. So I don’t think your dating yourself.