19 Tasting Notes
I thought I loved this at first but the more I drank it the less fond of it I became. The main flavors are coconut and cinnamon which are GREAT but then there’s this powdery strange flavor that comes afterwards. I think it might be really poor quality roobios? I can’t tell. Add to that the fact that a mesh strainer fine enough to contain all the flecks of tea is not currently in existence and you’ve watched my reorder fly out the window. Half of this tea will end up falling through your strainer and in to the cup – guaranteed.
This would be so good without the hibiscus! It smells and brews up like delicious cinnamon apple crumble but the addition of hibiscus adds a strong tartness that I’m simply not a fan of. It ends up making the tea taste soured or bad. Also, mine has a strange chemical twinge to it. Not sure if it’s simply gotten old or if the flavors aren’t jiving well.
This tea is SWEET. The flavor is mostly chocolate with a berry twist and tiny bit of floral tossed in. It’s a great dessert tea but the intense sweetness keeps it from being stocked regularly for me. Helps me kill my chocolate cravings so I keep coming back to it.
This tastes like the naturally sweet black tea Lipton only dreams it would be. I find myself recommending this most to drinkers who are not fond or familiar with black teas. It’s very non-offensive and easy to enjoy. That being said, I think it lacks a lot of the body and depth of flavor that other black teas bring to the table. It’s a great any time tea.