Ugg I forgot that when I fill in on the mornings that day 1 is not bad. Day 2 you drag like you are pulling 2 small children around your legs. I woke up at 2 and then at 3 this morning before my alarm went off. I think it was one of those situations where I should have just stayed up, since I woke up naturally before my alarm. C’est La Vie. These morning I know that I need a little boost. Mate is the answer. Don’t really need a question here. Still one of my favorites and I actually think it’s because the aroma reminds me of a black and mild. I added a little English breakfast. However I think I put a little too much in there. Just a tinge bitter. That might be because of the double Assam factor between the two teas as well. When I got to the station diluted a little bit and it mellowed out. I might be a long day.