Can you spell ASSAM?
I think I am in super taster mode for ‘bitter’ today. Most of you probably know this, but there are basically 5 tastes: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Bitter, & Umami (the savory taste). In Ayurveda & some other Asian cultures there are 6 tastes: Sweet, Sour, Salty, Pungent, Bitter, & Astringent. Anyway, this is a bold & somewhat bitter cup, & the last tea I drank was also a bitter cup. Either I’m really picking up the bitter taste today, or I’m over-leafing, or I’m just drinking bitter teas, LOL.
Sometimes when I am tasting the bitter taste, I take a moment to ask myself, “Am I feeling bitter/resentful towards anyone or anything?” (including myself) If I am, I take a few moments to wish that person happiness, prosperity, good health, etc. If there is something I need to do or say, the best thing is to just do it or say it, & then let go & move on. In this way, tea contributes to my mental state, but giving me a moment to reflect, by reminding me that I have choices today.
It goes with another practice of mine, when I’m craving sweets, I ask myself if I am lacking sweetness in my life. Regardless of the answer, then I take a few moments to reflect on the sweet elements of my day…the beauty of my home & garden, the beauty of music, the sweetness of my children/grandchildren/students/& others faces. The smell of flowers, colors of nature. There is a lot more sweetness in the world than just the taste: sweet sounds, visuals, words (like poetry), touch, etc. Usually when I’m craving the sweet taste, I’m feeling unsatisfied in some way, which means I need to slow down & appreciate the sweetness of my life. Then if I still want it, I can have pancakes or something, lol.
Hehe – I just took a brownie out of the freezer to thaw as I wanted something sweet! And I was drinking a sweet tea just before that! I think I better start using your practices. :-)
Terri, I read through all the reviews today and checked them off but had to come back and read this one again. I love your questions to yourself. What a wonderful practice. It is interesting how a quite moment with a cup of tea can connect us to the deeper things of life. I will try to remember this post and do likewise.
I liked the idea of considering the need for other kinds of sweetness in my life. I ought to try that too.
That is such a nice idea when drinking bitter teas!
It goes with another practice of mine, when I’m craving sweets, I ask myself if I am lacking sweetness in my life. Regardless of the answer, then I take a few moments to reflect on the sweet elements of my day…the beauty of my home & garden, the beauty of music, the sweetness of my children/grandchildren/students/& others faces. The smell of flowers, colors of nature. There is a lot more sweetness in the world than just the taste: sweet sounds, visuals, words (like poetry), touch, etc. Usually when I’m craving the sweet taste, I’m feeling unsatisfied in some way, which means I need to slow down & appreciate the sweetness of my life. Then if I still want it, I can have pancakes or something, lol.
Hehe – I just took a brownie out of the freezer to thaw as I wanted something sweet! And I was drinking a sweet tea just before that! I think I better start using your practices. :-)
Terri, I read through all the reviews today and checked them off but had to come back and read this one again. I love your questions to yourself. What a wonderful practice. It is interesting how a quite moment with a cup of tea can connect us to the deeper things of life. I will try to remember this post and do likewise.
Savor the moment!
I liked the idea of considering the need for other kinds of sweetness in my life. I ought to try that too.
Good reflective posts and comments. ♥ Thx !