This is a sample sent to me from Laurent @ Nina’s. Thank you!
I have to admit, after I gave Laurent my address, I think I was suppose to look at the catalog & pick out some teas for him to send. I got sidetracked & never got around to it. So I got random samples.
So…Cancer is not my sign. I’m an Aquarius. Also, I don’t usually like rooibos much, & in fact, for some reason the look of it kind of freaks me out. It just doesn’t look real, LOL. So, even though the rooibos in this blend looks creepy to me, it is the best looking rooibos I’ve seen, in that it’s not as chopped up as usual, & none of it managed to get through the filter & into my throat, so that’s a plus. I’m guessing that this is a higher grade rooibos than I usually end up with.
I decided to sample this because I’m trying not to stay up til 2am for once, so I’m avoiding caffeine for the evening in an effort to wind down. Initially, the rooibos taste was fairly strong, but then the pineapple flavor really stepped forward. The coconut was there too. I’ve still been working on restringing that harp (only 2 octaves to go), so my tea had a chance to cool a bit, & the flavors really blended together beautifully. It was quite good!