Heelllloooo tea!
This tea made me laugh. I expected the leaves to open up and put it in the cup infuser with the big holes. Then they just never got bigger and just slipped right one through! The infuser did catch the majority though, so not too bad.
This is what black tea is like in my head. Honestly I don’t drink much black tea at all and can’t tell an assam from a darjeeling from a …. is there more?
This is as it’s descried: a medium bodied black brew. No frills, and it doesn’t need them either. It’s bold and creamy and filling in all the right spots.
I don’t know if this would take sugar or milk well, although it probably will. I just associate those things with the teas I really don’t like.
Thanks to Piccolo for sending me this as part of the TEAcation promo. This is re-kindling my tea affair with Teajo teas. I haven’t reached for them in awhile, but this is reminding me why I was hoarding them.