No. 59 Lemongrass Herbal Infusion

Tea type
Herbal Tea
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Average preparation
Boiling 8 min or more

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  • “Some will question why such a high score of 100 on the rating scale for such a sublime, barely-there taste or aroma? My answer is because there is quality to backup the flavor, or rather the lack...” Read full tasting note

From Steven Smith Teamaker

That familiar spicy, lemony flavor in Thai cooking, lemongrass has long been a staple among specialty tea blenders. Cut by hand, the topmost tender blades are bundled and dried partly in the sun, then the shade, to maintain a vibrant green color, flavor and aroma. The best comes from Mexico, Guatemala and Thailand.

Lemongrass from Mexico.

For best flavor, bring freshly drawn filtered water to a boil.Read more

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1 Tasting Note

54 tasting notes

Some will question why such a high score of 100 on the rating scale for such a sublime, barely-there taste or aroma? My answer is because there is quality to backup the flavor, or rather the lack thereof.

Aroma: Smelling the sachet with the tea before it hits the water is very nice; and as the name denotes, a lemony grass, literally. Not lemony as a candy or the sprightly rind, but a subdued quiet lemon intermingled with grassy notes. However, once the sachet hits the water and starts to melt into it, there is no aroma whatsoever!…strange?…it smells of warm water.

Taste: Extremely sublime…even more so than a white tea. A white tea has body and character, this lemongrass is extremely delicate and doesn’t show to the party until it is there for a while and made it’s acquaintance with everyone. Then after a while, some and only some, flavor profile starts to poke through. It is as the namesake, a lemony grass. Very delicate, very sublime. An extremely nice tea to have as a bedtime tea or for quiet time to contemplate, it is quiet, subdued and delicate. The taste is lemony, grassy with the slightest hint of a spicy bite reminiscent of ginger but only as a whispering afterthought; also, it is a little sweet…more like powdered sugar rather than granular sugar. The sweetness would fit more like an Asian delicacy of candied grass with powdered sugar than a cloying candy sweetness of granular sugar, like say a candied ginger.

Aftertaste: This mimics the flavor profile…a little bite, a little sweetness, lemony and grassy but these characteristics are fleeting.

A nice tea to try as a small purchase, but would I buy again…not too sure; maybe to sooth and calm the tummy and for quiet contemplation but not as a regular goto tea.

Boiling 8 min or more

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