Sipdown! 853… Yes, you read that right. I’ve tallied up everything now and am officially over 850 :( Here’s hoping I can make short work of that… July 1 goal: 750.
Anyhow! Thanks to Sil for giving up one of her precious Peaches and Cream teabags. :) I was dying of curiosity about it given the rave reviews!
Steeped it up this morning before I head off to the Farmer’s Market. Haven’t slept yet, but I did try. Sigh. Stupid sleep schedule. But yes, back to the tea. I didn’t look up any brewing parameters beforehand, so just went with my standard 90C/2 min infusion for white teas (heh, I’ve noticed that I pretty much standardly brew all teas aside from oolongs for 2 minutes now. Greens, whites, blacks. Oolongs (green ones) get 3 minutes usually; dark ones I go with given parameters or 1 min). Uh yes. Back to the tea. I’m rambly this morning. I didn’t really get a good whiff of the aroma as I had other teas brewing and just didn’t bother to separate out the cup, but it smelled a bit peachy and vegetal to me. Flavourwise, I’m getting light peach (makes me think white peach), with a gentle, somewhat vegetal white base. No astringency, so it’s very smooth. Definitely a bit on the creamy side, but I think I wanted more of both the creaminess and the peach. I don’t think that a longer infusion would have helped either of those; this tea is probably just meant to be somewhat subtle.
Overall, I am definitely not as taken with this tea as other people have been, which is perfectly ok with me. I still haven’t found a great peachy tea – though Peach HoppiTea minus the hops might make a good case for it. This one’s definitely tasty though, just not one I’d be too likely to stock up on (especially given the price!)
ETA: Meh… really didn’t care for the second infusion. Lowering the rating… I don’t think this is a tea I need to drink again.
Just reading your review makes my mouth water for this tea! So good! Glad you enjoyed it.
…they have a new tea that’s not exclusive – almond truffle. So tempting, especially since i also really wanted to try the chocolate truffle exclusive one at chapters.
They both sound awesome to me!
Looking at the Sloane page…I want to place an order!
Terri – don’t do it! They often have sales at the pop up shop here for holidays and such so worse case, i can buy some for you to save some money! For whatever reason their sales never seem to translate to the website unless it’s like the gift boxes. Did i send you some of the oolong creme and the perfectly pear that i have?
I’ll check the box in the morning, but I don’t think so. So. Many of them sound SO yummy…but don’t worry, I’m not falling off the wagon…Yet!
Crap. Stop reviewing teas that sound good!
Haha – never kittenna! You should see the lovely treats I received today from everyone :)
Augh, Sil! XD I looked up ‘white tea’ on Chapter’s website, and now as you can see I’ve looked up tasting notes. And now I’m tempted to buy it. XD
Sil: Just remembered to check the box, no oolong creme or perfectly pear. We’ll just have to plan another swap after our ordering binge in June ;)
I’ve also looked up the tea on the Chapter’s website! Now I have more sale racks to cruise whenever I’m downtown!
Terri – yay good to know
Omg and chiz – sorry about that….I’m actually watching inventory on this one now that I’ve had it to get my other half to get me a single tin if the stock drops. When its gone, its gone. Though maybe ill be able to resist and just think about the almond truffle one for June….