Cantaloupe and Cream

Tea type
White Tea
Natural Flavors (Vegan), Organic Bai Mu Dan, Organic Helichrysum Flowers
Cantaloupe, Cream, Earth, Hay, Honeydew, Melon, Creamy, Floral, Fruity, Honeysuckle, Sweet, Hot Hay, Apricot, Brown Sugar, Peach, Stonefruit, Tart, Green, Vegetal, Grass
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Edit tea info Last updated by Kittenna
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 45 sec 3 g 10 oz / 307 ml

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From Butiki Teas

The sweet cream notes of our Organic Bai Mu Dan compliment the cantaloupe and cream notes. This tea starts with vegetal and floral notes that quickly develop into mouth watering cantaloupe and cream notes. Try with our Brown Crystal Sugar for a sweet dessert treat.

Ingredients: Organic Bai Mu Dan, Organic Helichrysum Flowers, Natural Flavors (vegan)

Recommended Brew Time: 3 minutes 30 seconds
Recommended Amount: 1 1/2 teaspoons of tea for 8oz of water
Recommended Temperature: 180 F

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277 Tasting Notes

513 tasting notes

Sad sipdown, although I’m confident I’ll be getting more of this in the future. Melon-flavoured teas seem to be proliferating right about now, so I may foray into their depths this summer and ultimately come back to this one. I really like the base white tea here, and this tea has a remarkable amount of flavour for a white. I used two heaping tsp in my carry mug and just greedily chugged the last few drops. I do love it when a sip down can end on such a wonderful note. Lots of cantaloupe, lots of cream (helped of course by the dash of cream I added), and a perfect tea to have to remind you that spring is around the corner…or, well, in our case across the world and light-years away, but a girl can dream.

And now to find a hotel to stay in in Hollywood that won’t have me selling myself to afford it! my goodness!


see it’s funny…i prefer melon teas in winter as that breath of summer to keep me from going out of my mind :)


Hmmm yeah that makes sense, too! I honestly love melon teas so much that I could probably have them whenever :D


I had this today and was reminded how much I love this one. It was the first Butiki tea I ever tried, and I fell in love with it HARD.


Hey, this was the first Butiki tea I’d ever tried also, and I, too, fell head over heels for it.


Yay! I think it was a sample from Sil? I’m not sure though.


I wouldn’t be surprised! I first tried this by placing an order. What a good decision that was!

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15534 tasting notes

I had this in the afternoon as well – i’d forgotten how much i love this, which i think i say nearly every time i drink it haha. Just a happy tea to drink when i’m looking for a non black tea.

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I am so jealous how you get through so many teas in one day. I envy you!!!


Heh well work from home days and weekends yes :) normal days = not as many. I’m also lucky in that caffeine doesn’t see. To affect me….at least in tea heh. Coffee is another story :)

BrewTEAlly Sweet

I seem to be the same way with the caffeine in tea. Ha ha ya coffee gives me the shakes ha ha. I try so hard to at least drink one tea a day. My 2 days off….. oh man! All hell breaks loose and I’m a mad man with tea!

Terri HarpLady

It’s been awhile since I had this one. I think I liked Watermelon Xylo better, but they were both tasty!


I really love this one.

Roswell Strange

I agree with Terri, Watermelon Xylophone was the better one to me (even though they were both good). Although, that might boil down to my preferring watermelon to cantaloupe in general as far as actual fruit goes.


See, now I prefer this over WX.

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6117 tasting notes

Mmmmm, soooooo cantaloupey and creamy. Delicious!

180 °F / 82 °C 4 min, 0 sec

Best review I’ve read in my life.


Hahahaha :P

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1598 tasting notes

I’ve only got one more cup of this left! :O :O :O

(Well, I can always order more, right? Just need a job first!)

Anyway this is perfect for relaxing at the end of the night and maybe watching an episode of Supernatural. I just ate a peanut butter & banana sandwich and surprsingly enough, this tea paired well with it. I was afraid the sandwich would totally overwhelm the delicate tea but it didn’t.

This is probably my favorite non-black Butiki tea.


If you want more of this, let me offer you some… I overbought it in my excitement a while back and it would find a better home with you than sitting in a box here!


I agree! So delicious. I am also running low eek.


Sure! I’d love to take you up on that. :) Any time you want to swap, let me know too!


Supernatural <3


I just started! I’m 5 episodes into Season 1?


I’ll hopefully be visiting Sil next weekend – I will try to remember to leave some with her for you! And anything you’re interested in form my cupboard… haha :D


Ahh, Supernatural. Another TV show I never really watched, but know way too much about thanks to LJ, Tumblr, and fanfic. :) (I watched the pilot but really dislike scary things.)


Haha. I love how that sorta thing happens. I know a bit about Castiel, but I’ve been pretty good about keeping my head in the sand so there’ll be lots of surprises in the future too!


And thanks Kittenna – I’ll take a peek. Maybe I can take something else off your hands. :P


Best. Tea. ever. It’s achingly beautiful. I’ve just ordered two oz of it!


Supernatural just gets better and better. I recently finished season 8 and still miss Sam and Dean. :)


I was just watching Season 3 last night. One of my favorite shows ever, though I started watching S6. Haven’t seen 4&5 yet! I also love peanut butter banana sandwiches!

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806 tasting notes

so I was having marmalade on my toast and was thinking about what tea would go with it. Well of course this one! beginning the day with tons of fruity goodness :D


beginning the day?

Autistic Goblin

I worked the midnight shift so I slept until 5pm today :D


oooh not fun. hope you have a fantastic “day!” :)

Autistic Goblin

well going on another midnight shift but the next shift will be a day one which is a lot more fun :D When I go back to school there will be no more midnight shifts :D



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1792 tasting notes

Do you like cantaloupe? No, seriously, do you like it? Even just a little bit? If so, I advise you drop whatever it is you’re doing, even reading this sad excuse for a review, and buy this tea now if you haven’t done so already.

The dry leaf is beautiful. The helichrysum evokes images of breathtaking meadows. And the smell is EXACTLY like cantaloupe.

I brewed up a couple cups worth and watched as the leaves gently expanded. The mouthwatering aroma of cantaloupe filled my kitchen as I anxiously waited to take the first sip.

It tastes a lot like how it smells. Actually, I think it’s even juicier. I don’t think I could ever add anything to this. I don’t really get any creaminess though. It’s more like fresh, crisp cantaloupe.

If you’re a melon fan of any kind, (I’m sure) trying this tea would be a must.


I would love to try it…maybe we can plan a Vic Steepster meetup and have this?


Yes! I would be more than happy to share. :)

Terri HarpLady

I haven’t tried this one yet, but if its as good as the watermelon xylophone was, I’ll have to check it out


I haven’t tried that one yet. It’s like real watermelon?


I’m normally off on Tuesdays and Wednesdays…are eithr of these days good for you? You can PM me if you like.


It should work for me. I’ll make sure to PM you soon.

Terri HarpLady

The watermelon xylo is yummy!


It’s so hard to find anything watermelon-flavoured that isn’t ultra fake, but I have tons of faith in Stacy. :D


IMO this tea is better than watermelon xylophone :P I like the creaminess factor.


Wish I liked melon! I’m not a big fan. but this sounds yummy!

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1271 tasting notes

Yum, this tea was yummy today – and I only have 1 more serving left! Mmmmm cantaloupe! I had a huge mug full of this tea while I crocheted and talked to me dad.

So, looks like I need to pack tea again, I’m going on another cruise early Jan! 15 day Hawaiian cruise! I think I’ll save the rest of this tea for then!


Yay! Cruises are awesome!


So. Jealous.


Oh wow. I just said two minutes ago “I need a vacation. Sun”. haha. I hope the cruise goes perfectly for you!

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1184 tasting notes

So excited for this tea!! After so many raving reviews, I was concerned that it would let me down. I was curious about the creamy notes everyone was talking about. So here we go!

Colour: smooth light yellow

Aroma: amazingly creamy and pure cantaloupe

Taste: Wow! This is delicious. So creamy and sweet cantaloupe. A full mouth feel. This is so silky and smooth, I felt full after I drank it like I had just had a huge bowl of fresh cantaloupe. I am not sure if I have ever had such a creamy tea. This certainly does not let me down, it deserves raving reviews!

2nd steep: 90degrees, 4minutes, less creamy and more melon, still delicious!

I put the leaves in a mug to cold brew, I will see how that goes tomorrow!

180 °F / 82 °C 3 min, 30 sec

This is the best melon tea I’ve had!


I cold brewed the 3rd steeping of these leaves. It tastes light but still creamy, smooth, and cantaloupe.

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516 tasting notes

In anticipation of Butiki Teas one day sale tomorrow, I had a little photoshoot with this GORGEOUS model of a tea. Wow! I couldn’t have asked for a more beautiful tea to be my muse. Seriously.

I am hoarding what little I have left of this tea. Sadly I’m not in a place to order from Butiki tomorrow, so will all of you order for me? I’ll enjoy reading your amazing reviews! I always do :D

P.S. The tea is amazingly delicious. I could hardly stop drinking to write this!

Hesper June

Beautiful pics! I am so excited that this tea is waiting at the PO for me:-)
Also, your new mug is pretty.
I also wish I could rock a bob haircut like you can.

Daisy Chubb

ah that is exciting! You will LOVE it, I can’t wait until you try it! lol
Thank you! The bob is definitely taking some getting used to – but I’m pretty easy going hair wise. It always tends to grow back! :D

Autistic Goblin

I can’t wait to try this :)


Such a cute photoshoot! Good tasting tea! Tomorrow is Stacy’s Birthday…Happy Birthday Stacy!!!!

Daisy Chubb

It’s true! Happy birthday Stacy, woop! We all get to celebrate :D

Hesper June

Oh! thanks for letting us know, Bonnie.
Hope you have a awesome birthday tomorrow, Stacy!!

Butiki Teas

Thanks for the birthday wishes guys! :) DaisyChubb-Great review & those pictures are fantastic!

Daniel Scott

Can hardly stop drinking it to write a review, definitely a sign of good tea!

Autistic Goblin

Is that a David’s tea perfect mug? if so do you like it? they are on sale right now :)

Daisy Chubb


Helena, I personally LOVE the Perfect mugs! I would go get 2 more if I wasn’t so broke – I love their size and the strainer inside is the best I’ve ever had (doesn’t let any rooibos fall through, for example).

So if you’re in need of some awesome mugs, I say go for it personally! I have 2 :3

Autistic Goblin

they are on sale 2 for $30 if that helps you until July 28th


I’ve got this one coming to visit me and I can hardly wait. Love th review!

Autistic Goblin

I ordered this tea and can’t wait to try it and the others :D


These look great!

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1220 tasting notes

Eeeee so exciting, I just made 32 tubes of Pumpkin Chai lip balm. It feels SO NICE on my lips but I can’t really smell it anymore, everything smells like spices and pumpkins. Now I just have to figure out how to make labels and then I’ll put them on etsy! But probably not before I make more. I am addicted to the process. The next batch probably won’t even be the same because I think the best part was the trial and error of getting the perfect consistency. It involves a lot of spoons in the freezer.

I actually went into the kitchen to make this tea, and ended up making the lip balm. Welp. After filling all the tubes, I finally did so. Do you ever notice that tea steeping time is the perfect time to empty your dishwasher? I hate doing it, but somehow it always ends up emptied and then I fill it with dirty stuff while the tea cools a bit. Before I was drinking tea, I just hated dishes. Now, it’s okay!

Since I had the persian melon tea last night, I wanted to have this one again today, plus I have a decent sized order coming in from Butiki tomorrow so better drink up. This one is indeed better, just based on the melon flavor alone. It tastes like a fresh, perfectly ripe melon, dipped in cream.

Ahhh looking back at my first note, I put some coconut milk creamer in. I don’t want to open up my carton but that was so good.

I ended up making my labels and let this get cool. I think the second steep might have to be iced. YUM.


I definitely do the dishwasher-emptying-while-steeping too! Thought I was the only one :p
Can’t wait for those lip balms to be up on etsy — mm, pumpkin chai :D


haha I do that too. I do so many household chores while steeping.
MMMMMMMMMM Pumpkin chai. I bought I pupmkin candle today $1.99! :)

Butiki Teas

Mmmmm, Pumpkin Chai lip balm sounds awesome. Yes! I always empty the dishwasher while the tea is steeping.


Oh wow, sounds great! The tea, too. Is it weird that I though “I should totally ask Amanda to show me how to make lip balm some time”, but then remembered that we live on opposite sides of the planet….


It always feels like it’ll take forever, and then you realize you’re done before even 3 1/2 minutes is up!

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