“This time with Hyssop added, very nice and soothing.” Read full tasting note
“To me the 2002 Keyixing Ripen puerh cake is a fine example of the silky ripe puerh. A light mellow taste with rich smoothness that lasts for multiple infusions.” Read full tasting note
Yunnan Pu-erh Tea Cake (Keyixing Ripen)
The brewed liquor shows a beautiful red wine color and quite pleasing to the eye, not cloudy or hazy but truly wonderful. The aroma had the old familiar and wonderful pu-erh smell, the taste was smooth and lasting, with a silky finish.
If anything, the cake was storaged in Kunming in the past and the cake was compressed very tight, so we were not 100% convinced with its age as a 9 years old tea that we knew before. But it’s very good nevertheless.
Cooked Cake Pu-erh Tea 357g
Vintage: 2002 fermented or cooked
Premium class
Loose tea leaves
Caffeine: Moderate
Company description not available.