“You know what’s weird? How I generally enjoy a cup brewed Western style more than several cup brewed Gong Fu, and yet with certain sorts of tea, I have taken to thinking in terms of Gong Fu when it...” Read full tasting note
“Gentle, sweet white. Careful with the water temp. and steep time because it can get a bit off. But if done right, it’s a good white.” Read full tasting note
“Preparation: - Temperature: 167°F / 75°C - Time: 8 min, 20 sec - Tea Amount: 7.5 g - Water Volume: 15 oz / 450 ml Overview This tea is part of the list of the teas I got this month....” Read full tasting note
“Definitely more flavorful than some of the white teas I’ve tried. I don’t find it super floral like another reviewer noted, at all… I wonder if maybe they changed the supplier or something? It’s...” Read full tasting note
Le Bai Mu Dan, littéralement « Pivoine blanche » est un célèbre thé blanc de Chine. D’une grande finesse, il est composé de morceaux de feuilles de toutes sortes à l’état naturel : bourgeons argentés, Souchong, premières et deuxièmes feuilles, tiges.
Son goût boisé rappelle les fruits mûrs de l’automne comme la noisette et la châtaigne.
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