Creme Brulee Matcha

Tea type
Matcha Tea
Flavor, Matcha Green Tea
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Loose Leaf
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Edit tea info Last updated by Mastress Alita
Average preparation
165 °F / 73 °C

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From Matcha Outlet

When exotic, oriental and velvety Matcha is combined with the wildly popular Crème Brulee, the resulting taste can only be described as mouth watering. Crème Brulee Matcha is the desert of choice for those very warm and balmy days when guests are assembled and their tastes buds are primed for an unforgettable treat. The rich sweet burnt cream taste combined with Matcha’s uplifting touch, can turn an ordinary bland day into an extraordinary adventure for the palate. When served cool, this delectable and aesthetic looking desert always exceeds its expectations.
Crème Brulee Matcha is ideal for many settings where both adults and children are gathered. This is because, its creamy sweet taste makes it a favorite among young children, while Matcha’s balancing touch gives adults the extra edge that they need to make this excellent treat truly outstanding. With Crème Brulee Matcha nobody can go wrong irrespective of their surroundings. It blends perfectly with many other well loved deserts but quickly becomes a favorite because of the lasting feeling of pure pleasure in the mouth. Although it is best served cold, Crème Brulee Matcha can be taken at any time of the day or night despite the changing seasons of the year. It always leaves the lingering feeling of wanting more of the same.

Company formerly known as Red Leaf Tea.

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24 Tasting Notes

772 tasting notes

Delicious. I want more and more and more.


This one is on my list to try. Good in the green?


Good in the green.

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1271 tasting notes

My new weird morning drink:
matcha + white hot chocolate mix + 175f hot water + frother

YUM! Totally not as healthy as a straight matcha latte (the white chocolate mix has more calories than my milk and sugar) but is very creamy tasty. The white chocolate base is really good and combines well with any matcha flavor. Today was Creme Brulee for more of a white chocolate custard taste.

175 °F / 79 °C

That sounds so delicious!

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15519 tasting notes

My matcha was composed of the following:
Size : Small
Matcha Quality: Starter (Basic Grade)
Flavor: Distinctive

I adore Creme Brulee…but it is one of those desserts that is so VERY hard to find done well. The custard inside needs to be just right or the texture doesn’t allow me to fully enjoy the creamy carmelised sugar and the overall wonderfulness of the tea.
I tend to prefer Red Leaf’s creamier flavours so i figured i would pick this one up in one of my orders. Since I am sending this off to CHAroma, i figured i’d better at least try it haha. It’s late but i figured a small serving of this should do too much damage.
Opening this, I don’t get much in the way of creme brulee aroma. Instead it just smells vaguely creamy. I whipped this up in latte form, since that’s pretty much how i drink 90% of my matcha in the winter and took an initial sip.
Final verdict on this? it’s creamy…and reminds me of the custard flavour in creme brulee…but it’s missing the delicious burnt sugar taste that i love. I also think this would be one of those flavours where the Robust level flavouring might really make it pop. I can see that Tastybrew loves it, but hers is Robust. over all this reminds me more of the memory of creme brulee than actuall eating creme brulee. It’s like the faintest whisper reminding you of the dessert you had the other night. I’d give this another shot though in a stronger flavouring so that makes it ok by me! :)
Buy it here:

(also…yay for sipdowns!mwahahaha)


I’ve never actually had creme brulee before because it sounds like it would have a weird texture. And so many eggs! WTH.

I get that from all the creamier Red Leaf flavours, just a vague creamy flavour. It’s a yummy flavour, but they can be so hard to tell apart.

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6444 tasting notes

I have no idea what happened today but my smoothie is super thick. However, on the plus side, once again using frozen mangoes instead of frozen bananas has allowed the matcha flavor to shine. Sipping away at the smoothie, it is like sipping on mango creme brûlée. Yum! What a wonderful way to part ways :). So long Creme Brûlée matcha, it was nice knowing you!

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807 tasting notes

This is very buttery and smooth. Sweet and decedent! The flavor is mostly the creme brulee custard rather than the burnt sugar topping but it is delicious nonetheless!
I do get the burnt sugar flavor more on the after taste.
Very nice!


OMG!!!! I just had a citrus vanilla orange creme brulee a few days ago. *mouthwatering :), (That’s a smiley face with drool). TO DIE FOR!!! MUST HAVE THIS MATCHA!!!


HELLO THAT SOUNDS AMAZING! I am going to try to recreate that with matcha!!! WOW YUM! Thank you!


It WAS amazing!! :D

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62 tasting notes

So I won this from Red Leaf Tea for choosing a matcha name Yay! And they said I could choose any flavor and I could pick from flavors that had not been released yet. So I choose this one :) Now they are released on the site now, but when I got to choose its was all like Oh! I want to be the first one to get this :)

Now what I got was Size: Large Quality: Classic Flavor: Robust (first robust flavor other then the mocha one I got from Azzrian :) I forewarn I have been rambling on about everything today, so I probably will in this review too.

I have never had a creme brulee but from what I’ve watched (being obsessed with the food network) its like a custard with burnt sugar on top. So this is definitely a sweet creamy drink, cant say I get the burnt sugar taste. I do get more flavor from this one then matcha, but obviously I usually get my matchas in delicate so this being robust flavoring its going to have more :) I’m not sure why but when I drink this it tastes like the cheesecake matcha to me, I think I like this one a bit more then cheesecake its more smooth and delicious to me.But my cheesecake was also in delicate flavor. It is very good, sweet and creamy like a custard should be. Here is the link so everyone can get some :)

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361 tasting notes

I finally found that creme brulee flavor I have been seeking! Custard and burnt sugar and all. This one is amazing. Best flavor yet.

Classic Base, Robust flavor.

Made with about 8oz water, 2 oz milk, ice and a 1/2 tsp raw honey.

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353 tasting notes

Classic base, default flavor.

This is lovely, but I honestly wish the flavor was stronger. I probably made this wrong – I just whisked a teaspoon of the match into a mug of heated almond milk – so if anyone has any suggestions on how to prepare this that would be awesome.

This is sweet, creamy, but I’m not getting the burnt sugar caramel flavor that I associate with creme brulee.

Also, I need to get a sifter. I whisked it fairly well but there are still some small lumps and those are bitter.

ETA: Okay, 1 teaspoon was too much. I had to toss the mug when I got about halfway done because it was too bitter.


I think their Caramel Matchaccino has spoiled me. It’s so deliciously sweet that now all other matchas don’t taste good enough to me. :)

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1314 tasting notes

This one was one I couldn’t pass up. I love Creme Brulee. Surprisingly it’s good cold too. Anyway onto the matcha. Nice rich green color. Great flavor. I started out with a little over a 1/2 tsp of matcha and mixed in hot water (about 3 tbsp of water) with my electric whisker. I need to get a bamboo one…. I then microwaved some almond milk and whisked it into the matcha. The water was hotter then I thought so I think I may have burnt the matcha a lil but once it cooled down…. nomnomnom

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639 tasting notes

Thanks to Sil for this one! I think I may have diluted it a little too much. It’s been so long since I made matcha, I forgot how to do it! :P I guess two scoops in one cup of water isn’t the right ratio.

I’m mostly getting a watery matcha flavor. I can’t say there’s any distinctive crème brulée flavoring going on in this cup (although “distinctive” is the flavoring level). It’s maybe a little sweeter than unflavored matcha. No cream. No custard. No real vanilla or caramelized sugar to speak of either.

Okay, so I just made another batch with more rounded scoops and a little less water. This one is definitely thicker and stouter. However, I’m still getting grassy matcha as the primary flavor. Perhaps custard cream and burnt sugar is a little too hard to pull off in tea form. This is good, but not what I was expecting. As a crème brulée matcha, it leaves something to be desired.

175 °F / 79 °C

yeah i didn’t really get creme brulee out of this one either.


It’s a shame. So much potential. Oh well. It’s still good, high quality matcha! I can enjoy it on that level at least.

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