Mountain Grape (Yamabudo) Oolong

Tea type
Oolong Tea
Flavor, Oolong
Astringent, Floral, Grapes, Green, Muscatel, Butter, Jasmine, Sweet, White Wine, Cut Grass, Orchid, Thick, Smooth
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
195 °F / 90 °C 2 min, 30 sec 5 g 11 oz / 325 ml

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From Lupicia

MOUNTAIN GRAPE OOLONG is a superbly fragrant blend of wild mountain grape and quality Taiwanese oolong. The tea has a rich, sweet and tart aroma with a crisp finish. Recommended as a gift.

How to enjoy Tea
Amount of Tea Leaves: 0.10oz(2.5-3g)
Water Temprature: Boiling Water
Brewing Time: 1.5-2min.

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12 Tasting Notes

4843 tasting notes

This was the sample that came in the September newsletter from Lupicia.

This is really good. Surprisingly good, because I’m typically not fond of grape flavored things. But here, the grape plays second to the flavor of the Oolong, and I like the way the grape notes highlight the flavors of the Oolong. The Oolong has a sweet, creamy taste to it (not buttery creaminess, exactly, but more of a sweet cream kind of taste). The vegetative qualities are there and compliment the grape tones well.

The grape tastes authentic, like a wine grape (rather the sweet grapes you’d find in the produce section of the supermarket or like the horrid grape candy confections that I try to avoid). The astringency to the Oolong give this a very wine-like quality as well. It finishes dry with a pleasant tart (but not sour) note that lingers.

I’m glad that I got to try this, I probably would not have had the opportunity if it were not for the free sample, as I don’t think I would have ordered a grape flavored Oolong.

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338 tasting notes

Lupicia has lots of fruit-flavoured blends, and a fair proportion of them re flavoured with grapes, muscat and the like. I think they are enjoyable, but sometimes they do remind me of Fanta Grape… This tea is yet another flavoured tea in the “grape spectrum”. When dried the leaves smelled intensely of Fanta Grape (hmm it should be mountain grapes, they said). I was expecting another cup that tasted like grape candy, but I was wrong this time! The grape flavour was so subtle that the sweetness and floral fragrance of the Taiwanese oolong tea base was able to stand out. To me this was a better balance between flavouring and tea base. :)

Boiling 1 min, 45 sec

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1629 tasting notes

As much as I don’t like grape flavored anything, this tea is actually fairly good. It tastes exactly like grape soda!

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639 tasting notes

The dry leaves smell exactly like grape fruit snacks. I can’t stop sniffing the bag! The aroma of the brewed tea is heavenly! I can still detect the grape smell, but it’s underneath a lovely grassiness from the oolong. I can’t wait to try this!

Oh, wow! I think this is going to be a new favorite. I can’t believe how good this is! (Thus, the overuse of exclamation marks)!!!!

This is Lupicia’s tea of the month, and therefore a free sample. Grapes seem to be the theme. The newsletter lists all of their grape teas and talks about how grapes have been added to tea for years.

I’ve tried Lupicia’s Muscat tea, a grape-flavored black tea, in the past and found it undesirable. The grape was too overpowering and candy-like.

But this is delicately flavored! I can still taste the grassy oolong underneath (which actually makes it taste more like a flavored green tea than an oolong). The grape is much more subtle in the taste than in the aroma. The aroma is like gummy snacks, but the taste is more like the grape taste in wine. In fact, it could do with a little more grape!

I’m not so sure about that “clean, crisp finish” though. The finish is a little bitter to me, thus the lower rating of an otherwise wonderful tea. Perhaps a shorter steeping time would remedy that?

Nonetheless, adding this to my list of teas to buy…Thank you, Lupicia!

185 °F / 85 °C 1 min, 45 sec

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379 tasting notes

The dry leaves are super aromatic and the smell of grape is wonderful but in the liquor itself, it’s very mild. The Oolong base is a high-quality Taiwanese Oolong. Although you can clearly taste the grape, the oolong’s flavor is the strongest of the two. Some tart (not sour), sweet grape notes with a slight astringency. A little vegetal, not buttery. Crisp. The grape flavor is more of (for lack of a better term) an adult flavor (muscatel), wine-like vs candy. It’s not the grape flavor of fresh grapes either. I’m guessing it’s kind of like other Lupicia teas, that it’s geared towards an alcoholic-like beverage. Hard to describe. It is good though, and I love grapes but I prefer the fresh fruit grape flavor. ^^ I’m still glad I bought it and got to try it.

Flavors: Astringent, Floral, Grapes, Green, Muscatel

205 °F / 96 °C 3 min, 15 sec 5 g 12 OZ / 354 ML

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4318 tasting notes
Thanks so much for your wonderful Lupicia sample package, Cameron B! Another one I’m very happy to try, as it looks like this one is already gone from the site. The oolong doesn’t look like the bundled type, it’s the big leafed type, possibly a Pouchong which I’m a fan of! I knew Lupicia’s grape flavor wouldn’t be the really gross kind of grape flavor that I’ve had the unfun of experiencing on some teas before. This grape is delicious – it’s a candy grape but not the overly weird kind. The flavor is so full and smooth, even with only steeping the first cup for a minute and a half (with only a teaspoon and a half because the leaves are not evenly dispersed in the teaspoon.) The second steep is also plenty grape. With the third steep, the grape is more faded so I get to enjoy more of the great oolong base. The oolong flavors and grape flavors coexist so nicely here.

Steep #1 // 1 1/2 teaspoons for a full mug // 18 minutes after boiling // 1 1/2 minute steep
Steep #2 // 10 minutes after boiling // 2 minute steep
Steep #3 // just boiled // 2-3 min

Cameron B.

You’re welcome! Hopefully you’ll be able to order this one from the Honolulu store.


Even if I can’t order it, I’m very thankful I was able to try this. I’ve been meaning to order from Lupicia for years, but there are just so many tea shops. haha

Cameron B.

If there’s one thing Lupicia does really well, it’s their fruity oolongs. ;)


@tea-sipper Oh my, this review just made me add that to a current Lupicia order o.O lol. That’s one thing about Lupicia too… If you contact them before they ship they are really accommodating.


I hope you love it, when you try it!

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6444 tasting notes

Usually Lupicia’s grape flavor stands out but with the exception of the aftertaste of this tea, the grape is completely drowned out by the oolong base. 273.

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1113 tasting notes

Thanks for the sample CameronB it looks like it originally came from Dexter so thanks to you too!

I am finding the sweet floral oolong pleasing with the candylike grape flavors today. Normally I wouldn’t go for candy-ish flavored teas! Not sure what my deal is today but I am enjoying this, so yay :)

Cameron B.

You should try Ripe Mango and Momo Super Grade too, same base. :D


Oh nice, I enjoyed the regular Momo! Both sound good!

Cameron B.

I’m sure you would enjoy the Momo Oolong Super Grade, it was a bit too much floral for me. :P

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4311 tasting notes

Another tea from Dexter (she was kind enough to send me several Lupicia offerings). This is one of those oolongs that is a deep green in color and the leaves are long, thick, and twisty. I dunno whether this counts as a Pouchong, but that’s the word that comes to mind. Dry scent is sweet grape, somewhere between candy and sparkling red grape juice. The directions called for a 1.5-2 minute steep, which seemed short to me so I did 3 minutes.

Once steeped, the tea smells somewhat candylike but there’s also a strong floral element. I added a touch of sugar to mine. This is so delicious! I am very happy to say that although there is a floral presence, it’s a sweet floral such as jasmine. The grape flavor is sweet and juicy and definitely reminds me of a very sweet wine, like a Moscato. Yummy!

Flavors: Butter, Grapes, Jasmine, Sweet, White Wine

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 8 OZ / 236 ML
Roswell Strange

Is it at all “raisin”-y?

Cameron B.

No, I wouldn’t say so. It’s more of a light sparkling grape flavor.

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7 tasting notes

Pleasant surprise. It’s a great one to try when you want something a little different. Similar tea—Republic of Tea Celebration Tea

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