This tea has been sitting in the back on my stash for some time now. I get the rhubarb/strawberry pie combo reference, but it makes me feel like something is missing on the sip…the crust. The Butiki attention to detail leaves me wanting more in all my teas and this tea reminds me of a lesser version of her Ruby Pie. It is hard to taste much on the sip where I get flatness (which I’m hoping changes as it cools) and most of the flavor comes in on the aftertaste. I get lots of strawberry flavoring, slightly chapstick like, but no rhubarb which could be pairing with the strawberry so well that it isn’t noticeable. Overall this tea isn’t striking me as very remarkable and I’m very tempted to put it in my purge pile, which is my new thing. I’m tired of being on tea buying hiatus, trying desperately to sip down all these teas I feel are mediocre for my tastes. It’s like I’m punishing myself for enthusiastically wanting to try a shit ton of teas for the past few years and I’m done with tea purgatory. I only want to drink teas I LOVE. 2017, is going to be the year of fantastic tea!