Vanilla Mint

Tea type
Black Green Herbal Blend
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Peppermint, Smooth, Vanilla, Custard, Spearmint, White Chocolate, Mint
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Edit tea info Last updated by Jason
Average preparation
190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 30 sec 14 oz / 401 ml

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65 Tasting Notes View all

From Golden Moon Tea

Vanilla Mint is a smooth and refreshing blend of both green and black loose leaf tea with fragrant mint leaves and rich vanilla bean pieces. Delicious hot or iced, serve by the pitcher or in tall glasses with a sprig of fresh mint for a naturally sweet refreshment.

About Golden Moon Tea View company

Golden Moon is dedicated to offering outstanding, whole-leaf teas of the greatest quality and finesse. All Golden Moon Teas are hand-plucked and meticulously crafted to enhance leaf character, aroma, color, clarity, body, complexity, and above all, flavor.

65 Tasting Notes

431 tasting notes

Backlogging a good balanced vanilla mint tea that is sweet without overpowering and the green was decent to. This was pretty good.

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335 tasting notes

This makes a tasty iced tea. I love the tea base in it, the green comes out quite nicely. The flavoring blend is a nice balance with mint. I would of liked more vanilla. I resteeped it only once, and it stood it up quite nicely, no vanilla though.

185 °F / 85 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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61 tasting notes

When I first poured the water and smelt the leaves… wow! It reminded me of those mints you get after dinner that are soft and have a layer of chocolate. It is morning but still that smell made me smile and pepped me up. The mint taste isn’t as strong which I think is good (especially at this hour of the morning) It is the dominate taste for me though. I can also taste the vanilla blending in. Very faintly in the background is the tea taste where I really only taste the black.

So this tea was perfect for this morning although I don’t really see it becoming one of my staples. We’ll have to see if I start to crave it. Now off to work.

Boiling 3 min, 30 sec

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61 tasting notes

I pretty much knew I’d love this by its name alone.

I stuck my nose in my sample bag and could swear it was a peppermint patty. I even brought the bag to my mom (whose tea knowledge extends to… nothing) and it was the first thing she thought of, too. Which is curious, considering it’s vanilla…

I’m a sucker for anything mint. Didn’t catch the vanilla until the aftertaste, which was a pleasant surprise. Since it’s freezing cold [for May] I decide to steep another cup, and then another, and I never lost the vanilla minty flavor. This one is a win. I need to buy it.

I may have enough flavor left in the leaves to try an iced version. Stay tuned.

3 min, 30 sec

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14 tasting notes

This tea was an interesting experience. I literally worked through the night last night finishing a piece of fiber art for a show. I was so tired I could barely see and needed some black tea to get me going. This tea had just come and I was very excited to get it so I brewed a pot and sat with it awhile (I had earlier made Stash’s Vanilla Cream and disliked it so much I threw it out. That will be a separate review!).

Well, it’s not that I didn’t like this Golden Moon tea, it had a wonderful minty flavor but I couldn’t taste a bit of vanilla and I ordered it for the combination of vanilla and mint and really wanted to taste the vanilla.

Because I have been researching teas for a book I have a process when tasting tea. I use a large Bodum Press, more than I can drink at one sitting. I have a couple of cups and save the rest for iced tea if appropriate. I never use milk because I really want to taste the tea. I do use a bit of Truvia, the new sweetener made from Stevia but much milder, but that’s all.

Then the stages from hot to lukewarm to cold. Tea tastes markedly different when hot just out of the pot through the various stages as it cools down. I didn’t like it hot. The black tea tasted very strong and the mint was there, but no creamy vanilla taste at all. Not that I could taste. As it cooled to a lukewarm, which I let it do intentionally, the complexity of the flavors started to come forward, a hint of vanilla and something creamy, but barely there. Today — I had saved the rest in the fridge — I tasted it again, after letting it sit out a bit so it was cool but not real cold which also seems to mask the subtleties of the flavors, and I was amazed at how good it really was. The more it cooled the better I liked it.

I will have to give this tea a few more tastings, but it has more to offer than when it was first out of the pot. Sometimes I think you need to give a tea a few tries to see what it really has to offer!

5 min, 0 sec

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41 tasting notes

Delicious buttery, minty, grassy flavour. Just what a good mint tea should taste like.

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790 tasting notes

A wonderful blend. I usually brew a pot and drink it as it goes from hot to cool. The taste is good at any temperature.

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79 tasting notes

Got this yesterday, but i had to go to work. So I had to wait until today to try it. Smells amazing! Really minty with a vanilla sweetness to it.
The tea is not as strong as i thought. Has a nice minty smell to it, with a vanilla creamy aftertaste. I really like this tea though. Will be sure to try it iced.

170 °F / 76 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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986 tasting notes

I don’t understand the logic of blending black and green tea and was worried about how this one would brew up, but I followed the directions and treated it like a black tea and it turned out fine. The mint flavor is cool and natural and the vanilla smooths it out nicely. It’s pretty good hot, but beautifully refreshing iced!

Flavors: Peppermint, Smooth, Vanilla

Boiling 3 min, 0 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 354 ML

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45 tasting notes


Coming back to a blended tea now. Even just the smell of this is soothing. I was a little sceptical of following the instructions to boil the water, given that this is a green and black blend, but I figured Golden Moon probably knows what they’re doing. The result? Not bad at all! There’s a slight bit more bitterness than I strictly enjoy, but it doesn’t ruin it by any means. I might have accidentally left it for a couple of seconds passed the recommended 4 min as well. On the first few sips, there’s a touch of bite from the gunpowder, but it’s quickly washed away by sweetness. I can’t taste that bite passed the first few sips though. The black base is fairly muted as well, but I don’t mind! I’m here for the vanilla and mint! There is an ice cream or frosting edge to the vanilla, but is still doesn’t seem artificial. Nothing complex, not a lot of notes to pick out, just simple, comforting goodness. Yum! PS: I tried to resteep it later, with not a lot of luck. Too much green veggie, that mixed weird with the bit of remaining vanilla. Good first cup though!

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