Melon Drop

Tea type
Herbal Tea
Apple, Honeydew, Kiwi, Papaya, Watermelon
Fruity, Green Melons, Melon, Smooth, Sweet, Cantaloupe, Artificial, Honeydew, Apple, Sugar, Candy
Sold in
Loose Leaf
Caffeine Free
Not available
Edit tea info Last updated by Cameron B.
Average preparation
180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 15 sec 11 g 16 oz / 466 ml

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75 Tasting Notes View all


With their soft green colour, naturally sweet taste and cool, juicy flesh, honeydew melons are basically made for spring. In fact, this delicately perfumed fruit has been a popular standby at spring picnics and dinner parties everywhere from the south of France to ancient Rome. So when we mixed luscious honeydew with tangy kiwi and a hint of papaya, we knew it was gonna be good. Light, fruity and totally satisfying, it’s a fresh new way to sweeten up your spring.

About DAVIDsTEA View company

DavidsTea is a Canadian specialty tea and tea accessory retailer based in Montreal, Quebec. It is the largest Canadian-based specialty tea boutique in the country, with its first store having opened in 2008.

75 Tasting Notes

5 tasting notes

They had this as a sample in store which I loved. When I made it at home however it wasn’t AS good but I still enjoyed it. Granted I rarely follow the recommended water temperature or tea amount cuz well, aint no nobody got time for that. It was slightly bitter when I made it which I actually kind of liked because as good as the store sample is it does have a slightly artificial taste. The artificial flavour comes through much more when its iced though. Overall I’d still recommend it. Especially with the weather warming up.

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13 tasting notes

As a hot drink, very good. Very fruity and nice aftertaste too. As a cold drink, even better. It really brings out the melon and fruiter aspects of the tea when iced. Really nice summer tea.

Flavors: Apple, Cantaloupe, Fruity, Honeydew, Melon

180 °F / 82 °C 6 min, 30 sec 1 tsp 12 OZ / 350 ML

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47 tasting notes

When the spring teas were first released, I picked up a small bit of the Melon Drop to try out. Unfortunately, I brewed it hot and wasn’t impressed with the tea. It had a very mild flavour. I actually gave away the rest of the tea to a friend. The next time I went in to David’s Tea, however, a worker there mentioned that it was AMAZING as an iced tea. So, I wanted to give it another try. I didn’t pick up any more to try that day, but hoped to get some at a later date. Unfortunately, by the time I got around to buying some, it was already gone. In fact, a woman had come in moments before to get a cup to go and they used up the very last bit of tea on that cup to go. Fortunately, they still had the tea in the tea maker. So, the guy working there gave me a tiny iced sample…..and IT WAS AMAZING! Very refreshing! Wish I had picked up some earlier.

As a hot tea, I give it a 20/100….totally unremarkable, completely forgettable.

As an iced tea, I give it an 85/100… good! highly recommended!


Okay, so when I dropped in to David’s Tea to check out the new Summer Collection, I saw that Melon Drop was still on the tea wall. Apparently, they got one bag in. So, I picked up a bunch. After brewing a full cup of it iced, I am increasing my rating to 94/100. This is really, really, really good. So refreshing. It is such a shame that the tea is being discontinued before summer is in full swing, because it makes a perfect iced tea. I wish I would have stocked up on it a lot earlier.

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38 tasting notes

Yumm, I drank it hot, and steeped it a long time. It tastes like cantaloup or melon candy.

Flavors: Candy, Cantaloupe, Melon, Sweet

8 min or more 2 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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2291 tasting notes

I cold brewed this. It’s melony. Not bad, but not my favourite. Mostly because I don’t love melon flavour.

12 g 68 OZ / 2000 ML

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606 tasting notes

Had this one on the weekend. It was absolutely unbelievably amazing. It has such great melon flavour and is a nice sweet tea. I really want more of this one, but I don’t want to spend the money right now… I guess I’ll just think about it for a bit.

But if you like melons, which I usually don’t, you’ll love this tea. And I think that’s the other reason that I really love this one. As someone that doesn’t normally like melons, I was VERY pleasantly surprised by how much I did love it.


Love it too!

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894 tasting notes

I finally caved and picked up a sample of some of the new teas from DAVIDs.

This is a really nice tisane. It’s intensely sweet and melony tasting. I could see it being too sweet for some people – probably one of the sweetest tisanes I’ve had (short of ones containing sweeteners or licorice root.)

This makes me pretty happy, and I’ll probably pick up more before it’s gone. I don’t find it as amazing as Lupicia’s melon flavoured teas, but it’s accessible and enjoyable.

Flavors: Melon, Sweet

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1 tasting notes

While I love this tea either hot or cold, I would have to say that it does taste best when cold steeped.

185 °F / 85 °C 8 min or more 1 tsp 16 OZ / 473 ML

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59 tasting notes

I went into Davids today to see if I could score a free cup of tea from their Easter egg hunt. There was one stuck right on the sign at the front of store, which sort of bummed me out. I expected a challenge!

As soon as I was handed my tea I sniffed it. It was kind of weird smelling, but as it steeped it turned into a beautiful yummy candy scent.

Tasting….JUST like honey dew melon. I can’t wait to go back and grab a bag of this.

Flavors: Candy, Fruity, Honeydew

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43 tasting notes

Another heavy tea.
I read about this one on the website and loved the sounds of all these delicious fruits in it, so when I dropped by a store for some refills, I got 25g of some of the Spring teas. I decided to brew this one before heading in for an 8hr shift at work. When it was cool enough to drink in my Timolino, I was surprised. I noticed that the tea brewed a very light colour, so I didn’t know what to expect.
I took my first sip and seemed very pleased, it tastes like a Starburst…or a Skittle. I’ll have to come back to this, but it does taste like a chewy fruit candy. Probably my fav so far.

Update: I defiantly need to stock up on this tea, hopefully about 250g should suffice. Please get more stock DAVIDsTea! This is delicious as a teapop.

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