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Black Tea
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195 °F / 90 °C 4 min, 0 sec

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85 Tasting Notes View all

  • “My A&D DFT Series 2 arrived yesterday. It shipped on Thursday so I wasn’t expecting it until early next week. I got it from the mailbox too late in the day to try any yesterday. After a...” Read full tasting note
  • “Auggy already commented on how to drive Jackee Muntz into Caramel City, so I’m going to take this opportunity to get a little goofy on y’all. [Like I really need an excuse.] I can’t take credit for...” Read full tasting note
  • “Tweaking parameters to see about getting back to the stronger caramel flavor. Water from the Zojirushi at 208° into an empty pot, then poured in the leaf, left the lid off for most of the brew...” Read full tasting note
  • “Oh Jackee! The time has come to say GOODBYE. And on my 6,100th tasting note, too! This is a SIPDOWN. Anyone know if A&D are coming out with new teas anytime soon? I’m not sure why…but this...” Read full tasting note

From Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea

The middleweight dynamo, The English Wonder of West Midlands, has yet to be defeated in a morning bout. While it is known that he prefers to maintain a strict diet of milk and raw honey for up to three days before each contest, it may also be of interest to know that he has startled all manner of audience with his feats of manly engagement. Only last week he delighted onlookers in Wollaston and Great Wyrley with his repeated submersing of both fists in boiling hot water, emerging entirely unscathed and without remark.

Andrews & Dunham insist that you soak an ample quantity of these black tea leaves from China in boiling water for no fewer than four minutes. Repeating this effort will result in further satisfaction.

About Andrews & Dunham Damn Fine Tea View company

Andrews & Dunham knows that nothing beats a perfect cup of tea, and a great tea needs no explanation. We love the romance of tea. We love that tea might just be the healthiest thing you’ll ever drink. But if the tea you’re drinking doesn’t taste fantastic, you’re missing out. Only a few teas meet our mysterious, rigorous standards and we’re proud to offer them to you. We’re always looking for that perfect cup, so you don’t have to.

85 Tasting Notes

61 tasting notes

What can I say, I like em tall, dark, and handsome. Oh so hot and steamy, Mr. Muntz you’re making me blush.
I was talking about this tea to my mother, and she had to stop me to make sure I wasn’t going to get pregnant. Once I clarified I was talking about tea, she hung up on me. Granted she doesn’t know I like them petite, fair, and womanly, she knows she can’t get grandkids from a tea.
Seriously, this tea has totally shown me the light of how perfect tea can be. Its burnt-carmel flavor and that oh so smokey smell really makes everything with the world once again. I finally figured out malty and why people like smokey tea, which sounded odd to my novice ears. I think I might have accidentally over steeped it at one point, but found that it hadn’t become bitter. Very smooth and bold with rich full bodied flavor. And a hot one at that.
I hope this tea never runs out, or I will cry. A lot.


This made me giggle. ;)

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1112 tasting notes

Smoky!!! Peaty!!!! My husband said that it tastes like Laphroaig scotch, and I have to agree! I began thinking it a bit overwhelming, but by the end of my cup, it really grew on me. I am curious to try it mixed one teaspoon Jackee Muntz one teaspoon Thomas Sampson to make a killer English Breakfast type blend for 16 oz of water.

I did another steep(at 4:30) and it tastes like butterscotch! I prefer the second one, my husband says he loves both! Either way, I think this one is good for when you are in the mood for something heavy, or in the mood for multiple steeps with a black tea. I would also like to try a first steep at 3:45/190 degrees for bake-y :)

Oh and my husband says he gives this tea an 88. :)

Boiling 4 min, 0 sec

Mixing the two sounds really scary! They’d get into a fist fight!


Or become…Godzilla!


So totally voting for Godzilla.


I instantly thought “peat” when I first tasted Jackee. “Peat” in a good way.

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259 tasting notes

Jackee and his compadre Thomas arrived chez Ca’ dei Gatti late yesterday afternoon. My first morning choice was Jackee. I had read the reviews and the mention of “smoke” enthralled me. I love “smoke” when it comes to perfumes, teas, salmon, prunes, paprika, nuts, and scotch. “Smoke” has got to walk a thin line between enhancing and highlighting that which is smoked and overwhelming it.

Jackee Muntz is a fine, rich, deep tea with a smoke that does manage to evoke the burnt sugary taste of caramel—but I liked to linger on the smokiness. I thought of an excellent poem I read recently called “Shopping List” by Anna Adams. The premise is that “all of life /
is hinted at on strips of scrap”. The imaginative mind can take a simple shopping list and go places—dig deeply like an anthropologist or archeologist.

“Cornfields come with the brown bread rolls,
orchards with apples, and the sea
heaves, vast, around the herring shoals,
and China swims in Lapsang Souchong tea.”

A tea that wakes me up, makes me think of poetry, and which unfolds layers of taste and meaning is a great one. I’ve already re-ordered.

I need to become a serious Buddhist to cope with all of the limited edition teas I’ve fallen in love with. I’ve wept buckets when books and perfumes go out of print, Jackee, my man, you’ve reversed the ill-effects of a bad night of sleep.

4 min, 0 sec

I loved this tasting note. And it may just convince me to reorder. My tin of Jackee is emptying a lot more quickly than I would like.


7 sets remain in this limited edition of 400!!!!! (oh dear)


I bought #8. >.>


You lucky duck!!! :) If there is anything left by the end of the month I MIGHT!


I’ve been eying those last few sets for a long time now… I need more money, ack!
I loved your tasting note, by the way!


Beautiful Imagery!


Every tea worth it’s weight should have an intriguing story to tell. Love reading your posts Doulton! Simply delightful. :)

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99 tasting notes

I decided to revisit Jackee this morning to see if I could achieve caramel bliss. But, I thought, even if I couldn’t, I could definitely use the wake-up kick I got last time! Getting up at 5:30am is so hard. :cries:

I used considerably less leaf than I did last time – about half the amount I usually use. (I couldn’t tell you exactly how much that is, because everything is just an estimation, haha.)

It’s gotten a lot smoother this time. When it was still piping hot, the smokiness was still there with strength, but it’s fading a little bit as the tea cools, and I’m getting a little burnt sugar hint. I’m definitely closer to caramel with this cup, but still haven’t gotten it. Maybe my start temp isn’t high enough. I’ll have to try at home, where I actually have control over how hot the water gets. Or maybe I should heat my mug first, so I don’t lose water temperature when I fill it. Oh, the many many things I could try.

But I gotta say, smokiness is a good waking-up tool, so I’m happy about that. :)

190 °F / 87 °C 3 min, 45 sec

I’m going to make some of this right now, actually. He’s a slippery bugger.


5:30?!? Hopefully that’s not even day.

I ♥ NewYorkCiTEA

The mug heating makes about a 10° difference for me, at least when it’s cold out.

the quiet life

@Ricky – Did you mean “every day”? :P If so, it’s close enough! Monday through Thursday. ;_; But I think it’d be even harder if it weren’t every day!

@chrine – That’s good to know! I did this at the office, and it’s always cold at the office, so I’ll definitely do that next time! :)


Sorry! Yes, I meant every day. I don’t know what made me type even. Haha. That’s true! I have to wake up at 7 one day and the rest of the days are 8-9pm so that one hour difference really throws off my schedule and it’s right smacked on Tuesdays.

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412 tasting notes

This is a comparison tasting against Keemun Concerto and Keemun Encore; see further notes here http://steepster.com/Tea_Bird/posts/36237 and http://steepster.com/Tea_Bird/posts/36241

The strongest color (barely, Encore is close) and the strongest aroma of the three, though it isn’t as smoky as Encore. Sipping Jackee first: strong, slightly sweet, slightly astringent, smokiness lingers in the mouth and throat, but in a sweet rather than harsh way. I feel like I need a palate cleanser. PB&J will have to do.

Jackee tastes bolder (for both better and worse) after Encore; richer and more complex after Concerto. More smoke comes out as it cools. No caramel, for those who follow that saga – my water was probably too hot for that.

Jackee’s complexity is still quite present through the milk. I can see why he’s a champion, and I’ll miss him when he’s gone.

Round 2 shows more of how special Jackee is, though; he held up much better to a second steep. Color is still a warm reddish gold (compared to the amber of Concerto and Encore). Flavor is still bold, though not nearly as much as on the first steep, but also sweeter and more approachable.

This has set the bar for quality Keemun, for me, and I would likely buy more over time if it were available. Since it’s not, I’ll just have to keep looking for another tea with Jackee’s complexity and endurance, and enjoy my Concerto in the mean time.

200 °F / 93 °C 3 min, 15 sec

Thanks for the comparisons! Maybe Jackee is a blend of keemuns and that’s why he’s so great?

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181 tasting notes

I gave this another try after Takgoti’s temp/time/cooling suggestions and she’s right! You do get caramel! I tried this at 200 and 180-degrees as well. If the water’s too hot you lose it and if it’s too cold it there, kind of, but it tastes like wet newspaper.

There’s still something off about this keemun to me and if I really wanted caramel tones, there are other teas I’d go to before this one. Maybe just I’m just not a fan of the smoky/burnt sugar taste that others have mentioned. Still, I’m bumping my rating for Jackee up a few ticks.

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 45 sec

So awesome that the caramel flavors were replicated for lots of people!


SUCCESS! This makes me feel so relieved, I was seriously thinking I was making up the caramel thing in my head. That said, I personally have yet to come across a good “Just Caramel!” tea besides this one. Got any recommends?


EXCELLENT. Thank you, sir!

Wiseman Tea Co.

wet newspaper! That can’t be enjoyable.

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35 tasting notes

Hmm… Still searching for the caramel…. I think last time I made this I used way too much leaf, over-steeped it, and at a temp that was too high. This time I used only about 1 – 1.5 tsp of leaf, steeped it for 3:45 at about 195-200….

This brew still wasn’t caramel tasting, but definitely I was able to notice very very slight undertones of burn sugar when I started to get towards the bottom of my mug.

Still going to leave it unrated until I can experiment more…..

195 °F / 90 °C 3 min, 45 sec

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828 tasting notes

So far, I’m not a fan. However, after reading others’ tasting notes, I realize that maybe I messed up in the steeping/water prep/or something. This, apparently, is not a tea to be made in the office. It is one that will make use of my tea trappings at home.

So, I’m refraining from giving a number rating. I’m sure the problem is all me.

The thing is, though, that immediately upon adding water, I got an unbelievable scent of lapsang souchong. I am really not a fan of lapsang souchong. I’m sure part of it is that I haven’t ever had a good one, but it’s also that I don’t like smoke. And since there was a hint of that smell, it immediately went in that category for me, and no matter what I couldn’t get past just the tiniest bit at a time.

So I’m not finishing this mug. I’m going to take the tea back to my house, and try it there once I can control the variables a bit better. I want this to be the amazing tea I’ve read so much about!!


This tea is a handful, I will say that!!


Don’t despair! Jackee is a tricky little minx. He and Thomas have both floundered me on more than one occasion. Good luck on reining him in!


I’ll try again, guys, don’t worry!! :)

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104 tasting notes

This tea has a wonderful aroma to it, a beautiful golden brown color, and a pleasant, earthy/smokey flavor. 10/10 boxers agree, this is a Damn Fine Tea!

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175 tasting notes

Aha! It does have a burnt sugar/caramel flavor. I could never place it before.

Boiling 5 min, 0 sec


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