I will do another review of this tea later when I’ve had it hot, but I’d like to tell you all that this is MY FIRST attempt at cold brewing! I had an essay due in at midnight, so at lunchtime I made up my tea in a regular water bottle and put it in the fridge, ready to take out as a treat once I’d handed in my essay. I used the vanilla because I thought it was a pretty basic tea to try cold-brewing for my first go, and it would hopefully be a nice sweet treat. Also I had to use like double the tea, and I really didn’t want to let go of that much of one of my fandom teas (they’re just the samplers). I tried a glass of it last night at about 2AM, after steeping for 14 hours, and was very surprised with how little tea I could taste. The vanilla was there, but no discernible tea taste. I have also come to the shock conclusion that maybe… Just maybe… I don’t really like vanilla?
I like it just fine with other flavours, but on it’s own, I’m not so sure. All I know is I struggled to finish the glass, but poured the rest of it this morning, after almost a whole 24 hours of steeping, and the tea taste is there now and it’s SO much better. Like seriously. So after a day in the fridge I think I can say that my first cold steep experience has been a success, I just wish I had used a different tea. (The vanilla hint is still a little too strong for my liking).
I’m glad I only got this as a sample, but if anyone is a vanilla fan (which I think most people seem to be) I think this would be a very good tea to cold-steep, as from memory I don’t remember tasting too much vanilla in my hot brew of this. I probably won’t be drinking the rest of this sample, if anyone in the UK wants it, I’d be happy to send it on down, although I’m not really expecting anyone to care too much about it. But there you go.