I was so sure I’d logged a note for this one. So sure. Apparently not, though!
I’ve tried this one twice now. The first time, I unthinkingly added a splash of milk. I’m not really sure why, just habit I think. The milk washed out most of this flavour, and it was just like drinking a cup of honeybush or rooibos. Okay, but nothing special.
I was more careful the second time, and there were no further milk-related incidents. In it’s natural state, this is a delicious blend. The caramel flavour comes our first, and is mild, but it’s definitely there. It’s like a thin caramelised sugar coating on an apple, which (surprise, surprise) is exactly what it’s supposed to be. The apple flavour is also fairly delicate, but it cuts through the initial sugary sweetness with a slightly sharp/sour tang. It’s a pretty perfect combination! The honeybush base is smooth, and adds an almost honeyed quality to each sip. It’s perfectly in keeping with the caramel vibe this one has going on.
I would have liked the overall taste to be a little stronger – more caramel, more apple – but it’s fine as is. It just needs a little focus to really appreciate, but that does make a change from some of the smack-me-in-the-face flavourings I’ve experienced recently.
I’ll enjoy the rest of this pouch, and I’m looking forward to comparing it with the oolong version that’s also sitting in my stash. When 52 Teas get flavouring right, they definitely get it right!