Rummy. Irishy. Minty. Malty. Black and Green and Herbally. Thanks Rachel for sharing this with me,
Many of you know I LOVE my MINT! this is nice! BUT…there is MORE to it than just ‘mint’. That is nice too!
I am thinking several things with this…like…can I add something alcoholic to it!? Should I get crazy and add chocolate milk or chocolate soy milk? Should I do a tea float!? Add it to ice cream!?
What the heck am I thinking! This is great by itself but it makes me think all sorts of oddball thoughts too!
Maybe I should switch to oolongs and herbals and decaf for the rest of the day…oh…and whites…I need a white tea! Not totally departing from the caffeine but just no more black!?
But-but-but!!!!! I don’t wanna!!!!!!! Whaaaaa!
WOW…that little outburst was random.
Honestly, tho, this is good stuff!!!! Great job – Rachel!
The answers to your questions are, in order, YES!, YES!, YES!, and YES! TEAhee:) Let me know how they all turn out.
If you want this one get it soon because Adagio is getting rid of Rum flavored tea. Here is the link…
Thanks for the compliment…Seems like I am rockin’ the blends. Yay and here I was nervous sending you these being the pro taster and all. Glad I decided to put myself out there. :o)
The answers to your questions are, in order, YES!, YES!, YES!, and YES! TEAhee:) Let me know how they all turn out.
mmm that sounds yummm
If you want this one get it soon because Adagio is getting rid of Rum flavored tea. Here is the link…
Where’d All The RUM go!?
Thanks for the compliment…Seems like I am rockin’ the blends. Yay and here I was nervous sending you these being the pro taster and all. Glad I decided to put myself out there. :o)
Pro Taster! LOL That’s funny!!!! Not a PRO by any means…just LOVE to taste! :P But thanks!
In that case lets call you… EXPERIENCED. LOL :o)