This was the other free ounce I requested with my Della Terra order. This and the S’mores was really what made the decision for me to order from them. I really wanted a chocolate peppery tea, and I even started a thread in the forums a while ago asking if anyone knew about some good ones. This isn’t bad! It doesn’t have too much flavor either in the chocolate or chili department. But maybe I’m just being picky. Maybe I just except ridiculous amounts of flavor from every tea. That was my main problem with the S’mores tea also, that the flavors were GOOD, there just wasn’t a ton of flavor. But for some reason this seems like a mild coffee taste to me. The chocolate reminds me of a low key hot chocolate, and not many chocolatey teas do remind me of hot chocolate. You can taste the peppercorns, which seem sweeter than they are spicey. And I really don’t find too much of the actual pepper. I like this, but I wish there was more flavor! I once went to a Mexican restaurant and ordered a hot chocolate, thinking it would be a nice spicey hot chocolate I’ve heard the country has, but of course they just gave me a packet of hot chocolate. This tea is much much better.
Ah man yeah authentic mexican hot chocolate is good!