It’s just a fantasy, taking over like a disease.
Le Corbusier lived from 1887 to 1965. Le Corbusier was a Swiss-French architect. Le Corbusier dedicated himself to the modern city, urban planning.
It’s funny how art takes a life of its own. For a little while.
I saw some art house film Provenance at the Met last year while traveling alone. The film by Amie Siegel portrays the life and death of Le Corbusier’s chairs of the planned city Chandigarh in India. Le Corbusier planned that city. The city lives on in entropy, a posthumous daze that you’d have to be pulled out of as you wouldn’t be able to breath.
Paris by Harney and Sons harkens back to the very personification of the city of light brought about in Magic Man’s homonymic song. Licorice, Burnt Sugar, a full body burning through the chest.
I have to go to class :/
Magic Man – Paris:
Amie Siegel’s Provenance:
Flavors: Burnt Sugar, Licorice, Rhubarb
“Death, Divorce, Debt” – how art comes to auction.
Marketplace from APM 1/20/15