65 Tasting Notes
From the variety pack.
I had weight loss surgery a couple of months ago, which made me appreciate tea so much more since drinking cold beverages is painful now. I had this during Christmas Eve dinner with my family and it was just really nice. I don’t usually like Earl Grey, so I didn’t expect to enjoy this one. I had it with a little sugar and cream and was sad when it was all gone. I didn’t miss the lasagna/fresh bread feast at all (or so I keep telling myself)! Definitely one I’m going to be buying more of!
Flavors: Bergamot, Citrus, Spices
I got a big tea sampler for Christmas a few days ago and thought now, two hours before Christmas is actually over, would be a good time to try this one. I was kind of afraid it would be a little on the Constant Comment-y side, but it’s really good! The spice is mellow and not overpowering, and I added a tiny bit of cream, which really helped round out the black tea end. I probably wouldn’t buy a whole box of this, but it was enjoyable.
Flavors: Spices
This is weird. I don’t know what to think of it. I went the “mate latte” route, as described on the bag, by adding a tiny bit of sugar and cream. It’s currently 6:30 in the morning and I’m at work for overtime. I can’t keep my eyes open, so I figured now was a good time to bust open this bag.
It kind of reminds me of a pu-erh, which I’m not a big fan of. It has that smoky, earthy taste to it, but not fishy like most of the pu-erhs I’ve tried, so it does have that going for it. Maybe I’m just not used to pure, regular yerba mate. The only mate I’ve ever had has always been blended with other flavors, like cocoa, chocolate, or coffee. I’ll keep giving this a try. Don’t want to let a giant bag of tea go to waste.
Flavors: Earth, Leather, Smoke, Wet Wood
This is my new favorite jasmine anything. I used slightly more water than usual (on accident) and a little bit of sugar (on purpose) and basically cried into my cup because it was so good.
Flavors: Flowers, Jasmine
Bought on a whim during an Adagio buying binge. I thought it would be nice to have to pair with some of the fruity teas I have, but this is really lovely by itself with some half and half and sugar.
Flavors: Sweet, Vanilla
Ugh. One day I’ll remember how much I hate caramel/chocolate teas and I’ll stop buying them. I don’t know why I bought this.
It’s not the worst with a little bit of cream and sugar. Kind of like a caramel latte that way. I’m unsure about it. I’ve had way worse “dessert”-flavored teas, though.
Flavors: Caramel, Chocolate
Cecil, love of my life, why are you so perfect? You’re more perfect than Perfect Carlos.
This is such a nice little chai. It’s not astringent at all, and I don’t think I’ve ever had a green-based chai before. It’s nice. I was a little put off by the sprinkles, but I don’t think they make much difference, and the more I think about it, the more I think they belong in every WTNV blend. Except for Steve Carlsberg. He doesn’t deserve nice things. Steve and his stupid, tan Toyota Corolla. Ugh.
Flavors: Spices, Vanilla
I was torn between this and one of my Welcome to Night Vale teas, but as the day went on, my stomach felt sick(er), so mint tea it is!
The leaves smell very strong and cool. Tastes just like Bigelow Mint Medley, though, which is my usual go-to for mint, since we have tons and tons of Bigelow at work. Kind of disappointed, but not really. It’s a good mint tea.
Flavors: Spearmint