I got distracted by unpacking this morning and only managed a sip of this while it was still hot. I ended up drinking it at room temperature with lunch after I remembered that I had left it in the bedroom, whoops!
Hot this really didn’t impress me, I thought the oolong was weak and I hardly tasted the peach at all. It was a slightly different story after it had cooled off and sat around for several hours. I really tasted the peach, it was such a nice sweet flavor that hit the spot after a week of subpar teas. I really wish the oolong would have come through more, this really wasn’t as good as I was hoping it would be, but I consider it perfectly drinkable. It might make a nice iced tea so I’ll have to play with that next.
I wasn’t really thinking when I made this today that normally I use 1 heaping Tablespoon with Adagio teas and only ended up using 2 heaping teaspoons. This would probably be more to my tastes if I had prepared as I normally would have and not following the directions on the package.
I should also mention that this really didn’t resteep well for me. I increased the time by 1 minute for the second steep but it was pretty flavorless. I didn’t get any peach at all and only a hint of oolong.