Bought 50g of this for part of my boyfriend’s Christmas present and also bought a tin for it. As I was transferring the tea from pouch to tin, I decided to put a cup’s worth aside so I could try it.
I must say…I’m NOT a fan of the dry smell. Reminds me of Buttershots (the liquer)and I’ve had a negative history with that. Still, I really wanted to try it brewed. The brewed smell was quite pleasant and the taste is actually quite delicious and a dead ringer for maple syrup. I made my family taste it- it’s just that incredible. My father, who isn’t a tea drinker, said that he might like to get into tea just based on this one sip!
So all in all, its a good tea. Not one that I would keep on hand, but thats mainly because I’m not that into extremely sweet, “dessert” teas. However, I know that my boyfriend will love it and that’s all that matters. I would definitely enjoy a cup again though :)