136 Tasting Notes
To me, a nice blend of black tea and apple favoring.
Nice apple scent, pretty plain apple and tea, no cinnamon or other flavors that I notice.
It did steep dark pretty quick, so for my no milk no sugar drinking, I only needed 30 sec to get a nice strong brew. And multiple cups of tea per teabag.
Flavors: Apple
A good representative of the English tea type; A Bit tannic, strong if you steep it long, medium dark carmel color, good black tea “nose”.
As I don’t use milk or sugar, 30 sec is plenty of time to get a strong tea steep.
Came as part of a sampler kit, I don’t usually do herbal / detox teas.
Mostly I taste the peppermint, and some more subtle other herbs, definitely no “real” tea in this.
It’s pleasant, light yellowish-brown color, maybe it’s doing me some herbal goodness, hard to know.
It is decaf, so good for late in the day drinking.
A nice blend where you can taste all of the black tea + lemon + lime hints.
Not sour or astringent; if you like lemon tea, this is a subtle shift in the citrus flavor.
This is a strong base black tea, somewhat like a xxxx-breakfast tea, with longer steeping time would come thru milk and / or sugar OK if you like that.