Another new tea – not part of the Chai collection, but something slipped onto the tea wall today during the Autumn/Winter seasonal switchover, meaning it’ll be around for at least the next six months…
I’m generally pretty skeptical of “Wellness Blends” but this is meant for headaches and that’s something that I do think there are herbal remedies for that are fairly legit. Of course, I’m not saying this tea is some miracle cure for headaches – I’d never say that, it’s just not something I believe. However, I get headaches a lot – generally from looking at the light from my laptop for extended periods of time, and also from subconsciously clenching my teeth. So, over the last few months I have been drinking this tea whenever I’ve had a headache and I do find it helps me – doesn’t really get rid of the headache, but definitely tempers it a lot. Ironically, given the name, I actually find I get the same relief that I get from using the Peppermint Halo roller from Sage (and I am a FREQUENT user of Sage’s Peppermint Halo). It’s helpful for me – and something I might add to my sick tea stash, along with Cold 911 and Honey Drop. Of course, that’s just a personal experience and I know it’s different for everyone – I think, for me, it’s the combo of mint and willowbark that helps me out, but I’m not totally sure.
As for the taste…?
Well, I don’t love it, but I don’t hate it either. I find the taste of the nana mint in the blend really intense/strong and it has that weird licorice-y sweetness that really coats my whole mouth and lingers for an excessively long time. It reminds me A LOT of Throat Rescue in terms of taste, though I do actually like this better than Throat Rescue. This is licorice from the nana mint, but Throat Rescue has that quality on top of ACTUALLY having licorice root in it. I think it helps that I find Headache Halow also had a bit of a creaminess to it, and a hint of lavender to break up that intense nana mint and make it a bit smoother tasting to me. It’s very herbaceous/minty overall though…
I’m curious to see if people like it – I know I was surprised by it, though I like in conceptually a lot. This is one of those very, very rare cases where I might actually buy a tea for function over flavour – and I really don’t say that often, or lightly.
Friendly reminder that I do not numerically rate DAVIDsTEA blends as I’m currently employed there and it would be an obvious conflict of interest. Any blends you see with numerical ratings were rated prior to my employment there. These reviews are a reflection of my personal thoughts and feelings regarding the teas, and not the company’s.
I also clench and need to get a mouthguard made because every time I get a headache, it hurts in the same spot that I have a brain cyst and then I panic a little. I was intrigued by this until I read licorice sweetness.
I once clenched my teeth so hard that I cracked a tooth – it’s a problem. Now, to be fair, I have shit teeth and have had dental issues for years, but even still… It was a frightening moment.
I also clench and need to get a mouthguard made because every time I get a headache, it hurts in the same spot that I have a brain cyst and then I panic a little. I was intrigued by this until I read licorice sweetness.
I once clenched my teeth so hard that I cracked a tooth – it’s a problem. Now, to be fair, I have shit teeth and have had dental issues for years, but even still… It was a frightening moment.
I think I need this tea. I had severe headaches recently and oh, I hate it.