Try #3 (why am I so determined?)
I actually left the lid off the tin for about 30 hours to see if I could calm some of this down. It helped . . . some.
While the scent is no longer overwhelming, it still tastes really artificial and for the life of me there is still no sign of vanilla, bergamot, or tea for that matter.
I think its time for me to give up. I’d see if I could give it away to someone, but with the pandemic, easier said than done. I think its got to go in the trash, I just need to make sure I do it and take it out immediately. I do not want the smell to linger.
I purchased in late jan 2021 from Amazon, so who knows the age of the stock.
I also picked up a Chai from the same company which was pretty much nothing but roughly ground spices. Quite depressing.
Isn’t that what chai is supposed to be? Maybe the tea component was green tea and looked like the other ingredients. Or someone goofed up. LoL
Wow, your sentiments matched mine 4 yr ago. How long have you had this tea on hand?
I purchased in late jan 2021 from Amazon, so who knows the age of the stock.
I also picked up a Chai from the same company which was pretty much nothing but roughly ground spices. Quite depressing.
Isn’t that what chai is supposed to be? Maybe the tea component was green tea and looked like the other ingredients. Or someone goofed up. LoL
Actually, I do see they sell a green-tea based chai called “Cinnamon Sweet Apricot” that looks like mostly spices!