Well Black Friday certainly hit my wallet hard but I have 6 tea orders (well 5 orders and a sipsby subscription) on route and one order of clothes incoming. With all that tea inbound, I figure I should get to work on my many teas here. Plus, I recently got Strawberry Milk and I thought this would make for a good strawberry milk latte.
Unfortunately, either my tastes have still not returned to normal following last week/weekend’s sinus infection or this is a muted tea. It’s coming off very watered down. The recommended steeping parameter is 5 minutes and I think this only steeped for 4, which would also be part of the issue but this really is lacking flavor and that seems to have happened before with this tea according to previous notes so I am knocking my rating down from 80.
There was someone who really liked this though.One of the puppies. Sometimes I will give them a little bit of the foam to lick off my finger but today as I drank, a little snoot appeared on the other side of my mug and before I could react a little tongue whipped some foam right off the top.
Aww, what a great visual on the puppy tongue! I want to hear more about the puppies (what breed? how old? how many?).
Hahah well the one sticking her nose in my tea is my sister’s maltese/poodle, Lucky aka Poupée, who is 1.5 years old and then we have a shih tzu named Gizmo who is almost 5 months old. The two are currently having their afternoon siesta.
Aww, what a great visual on the puppy tongue! I want to hear more about the puppies (what breed? how old? how many?).
Hahah well the one sticking her nose in my tea is my sister’s maltese/poodle, Lucky aka Poupée, who is 1.5 years old and then we have a shih tzu named Gizmo who is almost 5 months old. The two are currently having their afternoon siesta.