Sipdown (116 though I just went to Sil’s and as per usual, despite my best efforts, I am pretty sure I left with more than I came so this number is about to go up so thank you, Sil)
Once I got home, my mom asked someone to sit in the kitchen to babysit our dishwasher, which is making some strange sounds, so I said I would. Mostly I agreed to do it because I had to get my 2 milk servings in for the day which meant I would be down here making lattes anyways.
I decided to make one hot latte and one iced. This tea has been sitting in my samples box for a while now so I decided to give it a go and I thought the spices would make for a nice hot latte. Unfortunately my milk frothier got excited and ended up making most of the 8 oz of milk into foam so now I am sipping on 1/2 a cup of super concentrated milk tea while trying to not get my face coated in milk foam. Trying being the operative word here as I am not doing so well.
As for the tea… I used the entire sample I had from Cavocorax (I think!) and pulled out any anise pods I saw just to try and cut down on that particular flavor. Unfortunately I wasn’t super successful since I’m still getting a fair bit of anise in the brew. I’m also getting cloves though which is helping to balance it out/make it more tolerable. With that said, something in the way this came together is coming off a little bit like dirt. Not sure what’s causing it but obviously I am not a fan. I’m wondering though if that is because of how concentrated this is due to the milk issue. So, with that in mind, I won’t rate the tea but I probably won’t seek it out again either. Still, thank you Cavo for the chance to try something new!
just keeping us close in terms of numbers :)