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SpecialTeas - Online Edit

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Style Asian
Serves Chai, Loose-leaf

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Photo submitted by SimpliciTEA

1 Review

SpecialTeas - Online in Stratford, Connecticut
SimpliciTEA rated this place
and said Edit

Overall Experience: POSITIVE. I made two purchases from them in a very short period of time in the beginning of 2011.

General Information:
Sadly, they went out of business in the beginning of 2011 (Teavana bought them out). I didn’t get an opportunity to purchase from them until they were having their going out of business sale at that same time. From what I remember, they had an unbelievable selection of both flavored and unflavored teas (they may have had over 400). Their website provided great information on each tea, I believe they even included information on location and year of harvest. All of the tea I purchased accurately matched the description on their website.

Their website was not laid out in a very intuitive manner to me, but I liked their cart system (you could see it in the upper right corner of your screen, similar to the way Teavana does it now). I remember that they had a tea of the week, for a special price.

Contact Experience:
Very similar to my experience with Teavana at that same time period (My guess is that Teavana had basically taken over at that point, as I noticed the return address on both my Teavana and SpecialTeas packages were identical). There was one item listed as ‘in stock’ that did not ship. When i found out, I called them (that fateful Monday that Teavana announced that they had taken over SpecialTeas) to find out what they could do for me, and although you could not get to their website at all by then (you would be redirected immediately to Teavana’s if you tried), they were still answering calls, and I bought a few more 2-lb packages of tea at 75% off, and they didn’t charge me for the shipping; that was enough to make me happy.

Would I buy from them again?:
If they were still in business, a resounding, YES! Although the teas I have tried (seven) were not the highest quality (admittedly, I went for the least expensive ones), their prices were about the best I had ever seen (even before the 75% discount). Alas! they are no more.

Here is some interesting information I just discovered about SpecialTeas:
Search for, “Randy Altman”