So, this tea is old. I bought it a couple years ago somewhere in Paris. The ingredients list says it contains green tea but that isn’t really highlighted anywhere else. Interesting.
I am having a weird experience with this tea. It was really fragrant dry, but once steeped I don’t smell any bergamot. It tastes a bit smoky, and quite woody as the description mentions. And I don’t taste any bergamot! I really don’t think I would have any idea this was an EG if it wasn’t labelled as such.
Okay, I decided I wasn’t enjoying this and re-tried, this time steeping longer. About 4 minutes. Now I get a bit of bergamot at the end of the sip but the tea is bitter. Strange! I can’t decide if it’s that this tea has gone a bit off (it’s old but not ancient) or if it is the tea itself. Oh well.