Black Tea, Mate and Guarana Seeds, are you tweaking yet? This tea may actually be considered a controlled substance in some places due to the amount of stimulant in it…ok well it might not be illegal but its potent!
Dry this tea looks like it could be used as a spice or a seasoning on some kind of steak its loaded with a little bit of everything. It has a strong but please aroma on the nose, even the smell is a potent pick me up. Steeping this tea gives off the same aroma, there isn’t too much with the tea leaves themselves to see open up or anything.
The final brew from is a dark and potent one, the aroma doesn’t seem to change much unless adding milk or sweeteners to this tea. I enjoyed it personally with two teaspoons of sugar and no milk. It has a great stimulant kick to it that makes it perfect for those mornings where you are dragging your feet or those nights were you want or have to be up late.