Good Morning! This may be my perfect morning cup… Or at least the best one I have found so far.
If you have read my other tasting notes, you know that Ceylon Sonata has been my typical wake up cup of tea. I typically have liked Earl Grey’s but many that I have tried have too much bergamot for my taste. This has enough to give the tea a great nose and the black tea comes through with the proper amount of “this is tea, stupid” to assault my tongue after the bergamot taste fades.
A half awake man driving to work, I stick my nose near my cup, breathe in and smile… the traffic fades away, the thoughts of the coming work day fade away, and I am in the moment, focusing on the coming tastes on my tongue.
This is a blend of Ceylon Sonata, Irish Breakfast and Earl Grey from Adagio. Considering that you can’t buy a sample of a “blend” it is daunting to actually order this without somehow trying it first (Even with the small bag, you do get quite a lot of tea). It seems to hold out for two steeps, but the second is definitely weaker than the first. I typically steep for 4 minutes the first and 4:30 for the second, since the second is weaker and I haven’t gotten any bad tastes yet from the second, I will increase my second steeping this morning to 5 or maybe even 5:30 to see what happens.