Etsy Tea Advent Calendar Day ?
I am completely off on my days. This week through me for a loop. On Monday I had quarterly my MRI and CT scan. I couldn’t eat or drink anything from Midnight on Sunday until after the scans were done, which wasn’t until 1:30 Monday afternoon. Then I went to work. And after that I went to bed. Those scans are not painful. I just find them very tiring. Tuesday I met with the oncologist and learned that -praise God- the cancer has not returned. The pain I’ve been experiencing is from the start of a hernia, which is common with ostomies. So I have a special belly wrap to wear to support me, and I am not to lift anything heavier than 10 pounds for at least two weeks.
That was a long and lame excuse for why I haven’t been drinking my tea this week. :9
This tea may have been my favorite of the month. The spices are mild, but I can detect them. It feels cinnamon heavy, because I get that slightly mouth drying sensation I often get with cinnamon. I wouldn’t rush out to buy a box of this one, but I could easily drink another cup.
I promise to be more faithful with my teas for the next week. Hard to believe Christmas is only a week away! I am driving to my brother in Minneapolis for the holiday, so I might be iffy with the 23rd-25th teas. But they will certainly wait until untilI come home onthe 26th.
Mandy, I am so sorry that you are/have been going through all this. It’s a lot. So glad you are ok. <3
Yep, I had stage 3c colorectal cancer. It had spread to the lymph system. Chemo and then radiation shrunk the tumor and even killed the cancer cells in a few of the affected lymph nodes and surgery in March got all the cancer. But it commonly returned within a year. So I was very glad to get a clean scan. :)
Mandy, I am so sorry that you are/have been going through all this. It’s a lot. So glad you are ok. <3
Gah, Maddy, sorry. Damn auto-correct.
So glad it isn’t cancer! Here’s hoping for excellent rest and refreshing for you!!
Glad it isn’t cancer, but I understand your tiredness of all the scans.
Scanxiety is exhausting. Hope you are able to relax this holiday season!
Yep, I had stage 3c colorectal cancer. It had spread to the lymph system. Chemo and then radiation shrunk the tumor and even killed the cancer cells in a few of the affected lymph nodes and surgery in March got all the cancer. But it commonly returned within a year. So I was very glad to get a clean scan. :)
Hmmm just what is the proper tea to drink while awaiting test results? Yay for a clear scan!
I can imagine. That is a lot of ongoing stress and worry. More <3
Thank you!