Following 237 Tea Drinkers

Glamorosi 66 followers

My name is Glamorosi; I’m a garden to table cooking instructor, recipe develo...

GREEN TEA TV 147 followers

My name is Brett Susalla, I am an internet entrepreneur and tea nerd ( yes I ...

Spencer 140 followers

“I love trading tea and trying new teas. My favourites are oolong (mainly Chi...

Daniel Mann - Georgia Tea Co. 29 followers

Owner of Georgia Tea Company, online only store located in Fayetteville, GA. ... 33 followers

I’m a designer and a tea fanatic. Recently extended my brand to include my si...

Tea Love and Care 20 followers

24 Tea Love and Care – Blog A Cu...

Spirals 13 followers

I’ve been drinking tea for over a year now. I have a cup of green tea each mo...

fcmonroe 89 followers

I’m a high school chemistry teacher. I enjoy most types of teas. I don’t ha...

Brynn Naomi 12 followers

I love tea and Border Collies. I am a college graduate (Class of 2011, BA Ps...



i have traveled all my life, but the one constant food/drink that has followed me around is tea. now that i am settling down in new york city (settling down meaning for a few years), i have an urge to somehow record and remember all the cups of tea and my thoughts around them.

as i have been lucky to try a diverse range of teas from around the world, my ratings are a bit tough… but they are honest. i always prefer loose leaf teas (as the leaf quality is better) and my favorite pure tea has to be green tea. i enjoy a good blend but it has to be creative!

here are my ranks:

1-10: why is this even labeled as tea?

11-20: okay, at least there is some effort

21-40: i would drink it if there was nothing else in my fridge

41-60: good but not holding my attention.

61-70: flavor and aroma are distracting me in a good way!

71-90: delicious! i come back for a second round

91-100: too good to read while drinking. addicting. like a secret that i want to keep or tell the world. that is how good this tea is!


new york city

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