Backlog. The second of my Bitterleaf puerh samples.
This tea had an inviting wet earth and woodsy aroma. I detected a little fruit as well – plums, or maybe raisins?
The 1st steep was rich and earthy. I get wet wood and autumn leaves. Very smooth with no off flavors. It helps to have a cookies or other sweets nearby to counter the small tinge of bitterness that creeps in towards the end. Matcha pocky paired well with this tea.
In the 2nd steep, the earthiness softens and notes of tobacco emerge. In later steeps, it develops a more vegetal, green tea like character.
While I liked this tea, I preferred the Spring Yiwu Puerh more. Compared to it, this is less sweet and earthier. It also lasts longer without becoming metallic.
Flavors: Autumn Leaf Pile, Earth, Tobacco, Wet Wood