Sipdown Finished this one off by using it for iced tea. Spring randomly popped-up out of nowhere today, and it’s currently 25 degrees warmer than it was yesterday! Not that I’m complaining since it’s April and all, but seriously unexpected. So I just had to have a nice cold glass of iced tea.
Steeped all that I had left of this (about 3tsp) in 7oz of near-boiling water for 4min, then poured over ice. The result? Much better than it is hot. When iced, that sickly sweetness isn’t as noticeable and it mellows out to a pleasantly sweet, peachy honeybush. Still has a weird syrupy quality that I can’t place – I’ve tried unflavored honeybush now, so I know that’s not it – but it’s not too bad.
See earlier post for tasting notes when served hot.