I’m a fan of reading ingredients before I buy stuff… I know licorice and I don’t get along, for instance, so most Yogi teas are out (incidentally, people with high blood pressure or on blood thinners shouldn’t consume licorice)…
I’m confused by the migraine and wouldn’t blame tea—especially as the neurological signal from sip to brain would take about fifteen minutes with even the most intense triggers like MSG. Fluorescent lights are a bigger risk than ANYTHING on this label. My background is in neurology AND I have migraines at times… they come with hormone changes (females especially at the start of a cycle), they come with free glutamic acid, and then environmental and stress triggers… maybe if the person were SUPER SENSITIVE to ginger that could make for a reaction, but not the amount in a tea bag.
So yeah, I read the ingredients… chicory has a chocolate mimicking taste-it’s what makes the chocolate Fiber One bars more chocolatey than normal (and it has fiber). This isn’t truly decaf, and for me, it requires 2 bags… but more often, I’ll make 12-16 ounces and use 2-3 bags vanilla hazelnut by Yogi and 1 bag of this (this one’s much stronger but still not especially strong). It MUST have milk—it’s awful without—and sugar, too, is recommended (it says upfront add sweetener and milk or milk substitute—this too makes doubling the bags a must)…
That said, I don’t fault Yogi for this phenomena, but tea bags almost NEVER have the amount of tea/spices that you’d actually use (even if your “loose” tea was crushed like this, it’d still be more than this)… so be prepared to use more with most bags if they aren’t abundant in “flavors” which could be anything and which almost always are extremely concentrated, unlike “real” ingredients.
I like it. Whether I should or not is debatable… I make it very strong, again typically mixing it with the vanilla hazelnut (which is oddly named as it’s also more like a vanilla chai flavored tisane whereas this is a chocolate chai type tisane)… but this came first, long before the vanilla hazelnut one was introduced, so I’ve plenty of experience with this… oh, and it’s also really neat to use steeped cocoa spice tea as the base FOR actual hot cocoa—droste cocoa, milk or cream (the latter if you’re like me), sugar, and a very strong concentration of this—4oz or so—and boom, you’ve cheated on your spicy cocoa and don’t have to stir and simmer anything on the stove.