The immunizer and I share a love-hate relationship and I am torn over whether I’m sad or happy to see it go. I am down to half a tin and 3/4 of the tiny tin that I keep at work. I suppose I could try and stock up on what’s left in the ‘Last Chance’ section of David’s Tea, but at the same time, perhaps there comes a time when one must let go. It has been step two of my cold regiment for a while now, and I drink it because I believe in it. Though, it will soon be no more.
The dry tisane is nothing to look at. It resembles an Italian seasoning mixture that I once had in my cupboard, or something I’ve seen on the ground during a walk through the woods on a dry day. The scent is reminiscent of the musty aroma of fall. Though, there is a subtle life that is saved by the hint of spearmint and a wafting air of lemongrass and orange peel, and maybe a hint of ginger if I’m not imagining it. Mostly, I just smell Echinacea.
When the tea is first steeped, I smell mostly spearmint. That’s okay, because I like spearmint, but as the steeping goes on, the scent of Echinacea becomes dominant and I think of hard liquor. I can’t say which liquor though, mostly because I’m not a hard liquor drinker. I’m just sure I’ve smelled it somewhere before. The second scent is lemongrass. Though, I strain to detect it. As time goes on, the orange peel comes into play and I think there’s a hint of ginger screaming for attention from somewhere far in the distance.
The liquor is frightening to look at. It looks mean and swampy—not to be mistaken with muddy. It is a clear brown liquid with a hint of green that reminds me of mildew or algae. At this point, all I can smell is Echinacea. I strain to find other scents and imagine that there’s a small hint of ginger and orange peel as the scent travels further into the depths of my senses, but I’m not sure if it’s only wishful thinking.
The first sip tastes mildly of ginger and mullein leaf, masked by Echinacea and followed with a splash of spearmint and the subtle notes of lemongrass. I do not believe these flavours were meant to coexist. They have a purpose though, so I tolerate it as best as I can. As the tea cools, the antiseptic flavour of Echinacea dominates, resulting in less enjoyment and faster, more frequent sips to finish it while it’s still warm.
Okay, so Echinacea is not my favourite scent or flavour and this is not my favourite tea. I only drink it for remedial purposes and that’s where the rating is saved. It is for this reason that I am sad to see it go. As far as the taste and the smell, I’m sure I can live without it. I’m a little disheartened though. I can only hope that David will find a way to re-create this concoction without Echinacea. Most of the ingredients in this tisane are proven immune boosters and some are equal to or even better than Echinacea. I would like to find something similar to replace it with, preferably a loose-leaf tea.
It also wouldn’t hurt to make it taste a little better.