I got this sample from sil, and was eager to try it because of the good reviews. The dry leaf smells amazing. it kind of smells as though it should be one of those Irish cream cappuccinos you can get at coffee shops, that are boldly flavoured. i wanted so much for the taste of the brew to reflect the smell, but alas it fell short. It’s funny, because the brewed aroma is still of a reasonably strong Irish cream, but it tastes very much like a generic black tea, with perhaps a hint of cream at the end of the sip. I brewed for three minutes, and wonder if I should have perhaps brewed for longer. I have enough left for another cup, and might just do that. Those of you who enjoy this tea: how have you prepared it for maximum flavour?
Bottom line: I’m open to trying it again and brewing it differently, but for now at least, I’ll just build my cart on rlt’s site with matcha only. Thanks again, sil!
I hope you figure out the formula for getting this tea all delicious, because man, Irish cream is the business, for real.
I hope so too! it must live up to its smell!